God's word is so powerful

in #christian6 years ago

(IsaiaH 55 : 11 ; So shall my word be that goeth forth out of my mouth: it shall not return unto me void, but it shall accomplish that which I please, and it shall prosper in the thing whereto I sent it . ) God word is quick more powerful than a two edge sword, His word will accomplish what He intends for it to accomplish. When we are dealing with God's word , and we put it out there , it will do whatever He intends for it to do . God is so magnificent , He wants to save everyone of us , only if we take heed to His holy word. When one person gets saved through His holy word ; the heavens and all the hosts of angels rejoice, this is what the God and the heavenly hosts thinks of us. Put His blessed word out there so people can see it, this alone can save multitudes of people, and He will lay up another crown for us.

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