Book Review: Letting Go Of Fear


Letting Go of Fear
Put Aside Your Anxious Thoughts and Embrace God's Perspective
by Neil T. Anderson; Rich Miller

Harvest House Publishers

Christian , Self-Help
Pub Date 04 Sep 2018

I am reviewing a copy of Letting Go Of Fear through Harvest House Publishers and Netgalley:

Neil T Anderson and Rich Miller points out in this book that Introducing a person to Christ is not helping a bad person become a better person instead it is helping a spiritually dead person become one who becomes alive in Christ. The authors go in to point an irrational fear is a thief that erodes our faith steals our freedom and takes away the joy of living an abundant life in Christ. The authors go on to point out the difference between fear and panic.

The authors go on to talk about some of our greatest fears, from fear of death to fear of being alone, we are reminded too that salvation conquers death.

The fear of failure is also addressed in the book, and reminds us that we need to be more concerned with a Biblical definition of success and not so concerned about what the world sees as success.

The Fear Of God is also addressed, the importance of Drawing Near to God is also addressed.

We are reminded too that as Christians it is important we break the stronghold of fear. We are reminded too of the importance casting all anxiety on Christ.

I give Letting Go Of Fear five out of five stars!

Happy Reading!

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