in #christian6 years ago

21ST SUNDAY YEAR B. READINGS: Joshua 24:1-2. 15-18; Ps 34; Eph 5:21-32; Jn 6:60-69


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In our culture, success and value tend to be measured in numbers of likes or votes. Democracy is based on majority vote. The most successful Facebook user is one with the largest friends. Any event that attracts only a small crowd is considered a failure.

Today’s Gospel suggests that Jesus was not too concerned about numbers. Over the last four Sundays we have read from chapter 6 of John’s Gospel where Jesus calls Himself the Bread of Life and declares that we need to eat His flesh and drink His blood in order to have life. In today’s section, some of His disciples strongly object to this teaching: “How could anyone accept it?” Jesus was very aware of this reaction among some of His followers, yet did not make any effort to soften his teaching in order to hold on to his numbers. Rather, He insists that His message conveys truth, spirit and life. He suddenly lost a whole number of his followers.

Popular opinion does not always show what is really true. Numbers are not everything. If we opt to follow Jesus, it is not because He was or is popular but like Peter, we recognize that He has the message of eternal life, that His words are spirit and life. In the First Reading, at the end of his service to God and to the people, Joshua asks the people if they will continue to serve the Lord God who has saved and feed them or will turn their hearts to the multitudes of gods worshipped by their ancestors. I believe many would want to follow the other gods since majority for us is always right.

The teaching and the life of Jesus will always challenge us at some level. There may even be times when we feel like giving up on it, but it is vital to keep renewing our response to His influence. Be one with the family of Jesus on this day when Pope Francis concludes the World Meeting of Families.

Thanks for reading

please show some love❤❤❤. Happy last sunday of the month



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