Home Church

in #christian6 years ago

What is a Home Church ?
A Home Church is definitely not just a “meeting” which takes place at the same time and venue on a regular basis. It could be defined as a GROUP OF CHURCH MEMBERS (and adherents) who meet together on a regular basis under the leadership of a leader appointed by the leadership/eldership of the church, to bring out the aspects of fellowship, friendship and discipleship all in one.

It is impossible for the bases of friendship and relationship to bond, knit and develop within the main function and service of the meeting church. Scripture clearly shows us that these two meeting are totally different in style and function. One to the main aspect of worship, teaching, preaching – and growing the church, spiritually and physically – whereas the other is for the building of friendship, relationship – growing in fellowship and care for each other – as well as a deeper sense of Christian walk and discipleship.

They will normally meet in the home of the leader and they will interact with each other resulting in them BECOMING more and more like Jesus Christ as they endeavour to put the Word of god into practice and action.
The Home Church is not a prayer cell or a Bible Study group, but it should rather be seen as a workshop where Gods people learn how to work out the details of their Christian life as they apply the teaching of the Scriptures to their lives. Individual members will feel that they are part of Gods family as they get to know one another personally and as they are encouraged to grow in their relationship with God and with other people. One the foundations of a Home Church is relationship and friendship. It is here where it develops and grows.

Home Church are church-based and should operate under the covering of the leadership/eldership of the church. Home churches operating outside of the umbrella of the local church – are just another church trying to get off the ground. One-man shows, loners and rebels in God`s Kingdom do not work. Scripture is clear on this – it must be part of the local church.
"How is it then, brethren? Whenever you come together, each of you has a psalm, has a teaching, has a tongue, has a revelation, has an interpretation. Let all things be done for edification." (1 Corinthians 14:26).

The family that you have now become part of, is the Church of God. The Church is not a building but a community of people that congregate in buildings and homes. One of the functions of the Church is to gather in small groups called Home Churches. (Acts 2:46-47)

What is a Home Church?
A Home Church is a small group of people who are committed to first of all building up one another, and secondly to fulfill the great commission in reaching out to the lost. They meet together weekly, as well as having contact with other people throughout the week. The Home church is like a larger family than just your own. It is comparable to the cells in a human body that provide protection, communication, life, sustenance etc. Likewise the Home Church is there for protection, edification, acceptance, support and communication.

The Home church is for edification?
Edification is the building up of one another so that you can become a stronger and more effective Christian. God never intended that you be alone in your relationship with Him. He desired that each believer be connected to other believers in His body. This ensures that all the parts of His body can support, help and encourage one another to develop in their Christian walk. You, as part of the body of Christ, are very important and you have a specific function to fulfill. God wants to use you to help build and edify His body together with the rest of His children. In Ephesians 4:16 it says "from whom the whole body, joined and knit together by what every joint supplies, according to the effective working by which every part does its share, causes growth of the body for the edifying of itself in love." You need to form part of a Cell so that you can do your part in the Body and thereby find and fulfil your purpose and destiny in God's Kingdom.

Home Church is about Relationships.
The whole aspect of our Christian life is relational. Firstly, walking out of the Christian life in relationship with the Father, Jesus and the Holy Spirit. Secondly, walking out of the Christian life in relationship with other people that God has placed in our lives. Friends first – then function.

Your commitment to the Home church.
The Home church will challenge and encourage your level of growth and commitment. In the HC you will discover your ministry and gifting and you will find the joy of receiving a blessing but more important, of being a blessing. Make the HC a high priority in your life. Just as you form part of your own family, you are also destined to form part of God's family in the HC. Your presence is valuable to the rest of the group. Your participation will help build up the rest of the group. Make a decision not to allow anyone or anything to hinder you from attending your Home Church.

Your contribution to the group
You are a valuable member of your group. God expects you to be actively involved in the growth of all the others. The Holy Spirit will give you spiritual gifts to help you minister to the rest of the group (1 Corinthians 12:7-12) . You can also help your HC by doing practical things for them and using your talents or abilities to help them. Commit to your Cell and allow the Lord to use you and work through you to edify His body.

God uses the Home Church to evangelize
God desires all men to be saved and come to the knowledge of the truth (1 Timothy 2:4). God does not only want the HC for edification but also evangelism. Evangelism is sharing the good news with unbelievers.
Evangelism in a HC is not the traditional standing on a corner and handing out tracts, or door-to-door evangelism. Evangelism in HC is reaching out and touching those in your family, work mates and friends. This can occur by simply inviting them to the HC, or by getting the HC to visit your unsaved contacts. By establishing relationships with your unsaved family and friends they will become saved. Your HC will help you pray for your unsaved contacts and together you will see them get saved.

The New Testament Church was built on Home Churches.
"To the beloved Apphia, Archippus our fellow soldier, and to the Church in your house" (Philemon 1:2).
There are many scriptures in the New Testament that refers to the Church meeting in houses. Paul told the Church in Rome: "Likewise greet the Church that is in their house. Greet my beloved Epenetus, who is the..." (Romans 16:5). There are many other references in the Bible, that show that God blessed His Body who met from house to house. There were general meetings in the synagogues and places of worship that we today call Sunday Celebrations, but there was a great emphasis on the home meeting/fellowships. All people need individual attention and this can only be catered for in small groups. The Celebrations are very important, because on a weekly basis the Leadership team shares the Word of God for the week and the HC meet to discuss how the Word can be practically applied in their lives. The Word of God challenges all believers to be doers and not only hearers of the Word. In the HC, members are challenged to walk in the light of the knowledge they receive.

Can each person participate?
God says: "How is it then, brethren? Whenever you come together, each of you has a psalm, has a teaching, has a tongue, has a revelation, has an interpretation. Let all things be done for edification." (1 Corinthians 14:26). This is impossible in a large congregation and therefore can only effectively work in a small group situation. There is also a boldness and freedom in small groups and as a result believers have more opportunity to develop in spiritual gifts and can experience the dynamics of the Holy Spirit working through their lives.

You need valuable relationships
"By this all will know that you are My disciples, if you have love for one another." (John 13:35). The strong bonds that are formed in the Home Churches form a powerful team during times of crises and sickness. The strongest relationships are formed as a result of crises. The HC are constantly providing for the needs of the other members during these times like sickness, tragedy, or emotional trauma. Firstly God created us to communicate with Him and then with others. On God's agenda in this modern busy world people still remain His number one priority and this should be our priority as well. You need these personal relationships and in time you will see how valuable these relationships are. There is no better place to express love than in a HC. In the company of other believers we also learn to grow and mature in Christ. We are challenged and motivated to change. Without this accountability we stand a chance of becoming backslidden and lukewarm.
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