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RE: Are Christians Actually Forbidden To Drink Alcohol?

in #christian6 years ago (edited)

Look not thou upon the wine when it is red, when it giveth his colour in the cup, when it moveth itself aright.

At the last it biteth like a serpent, and stingeth like an adder.

Thine eyes shall behold strange women, and thine heart shall utter perverse things.

96 other verses against drink and many others teaching to be sober.

Wine is not always fermented wine In The bible. When it talks of wine of the pomegranate its simply talking about fruit juice.

And if you think that Jesus turned water into wine at the marriage. Then please explain that after they where "well drunk" God gave them more alcohol? In Light of that proverb and Jesus knowing all of the Torah why would he give very drunk people more alcohol? They simply just had enough juice and the master Comments that normally they bring out the cheaper juice when most people have already had enough. And now they bring some of the best quality.

All have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God.

More reason to receive the free gift of everlasting life and have all your sins cleansed and washed away.

Turning from sins like drink come after receiving the free gift of heaven. And we need to walk in the path set for us, because if we do it will be well with us here. Like if you don't drink you won't die of alcoholism or accidents related to it. And you will have more money and a cleared mind.

There are many more benefits to abstain, just to name a few.

Sins have physical consequences, but does nothing to our standing with God.

Posted using Partiko Android


Yes, I have read those verses. Not sure why your are bringing up Jesus at the wedding since I never touched on that in the post but I see where you are coming from.

The old testament is full of these verses as you started to point out. The point of this post is asking the question do new testament Christians in the current dispensation have the liberty to drink. Never did I say we should drink. It's obvious that the Bible warns of the dangers of alcohol.

Thanks for expanding though <3

I am not confronting you at all. Speaking in general I think... People tend to bring up the wedding 1st. So I went to it before it even came up. What ever you do God will never leave not forsake you. And that is liberating.

I quit drinking, because I am an awkward person and I quit sugar for health reasons a few years back. But I struggle with other things. And all human have sins.

Posted using Partiko Android

I quit drinking, because I am an awkward person and I quit sugar for health reasons a few years back. But I struggle with other things. And all human have sins.

Amen to that I cut out sugar and refined carbs too. Thanks for clarifying; also I added an update to the post to make sure my point behind the post is clear.

May God bless you Brother <3

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