
Coolbowser you are a Raw Foodophile? Right on! My wife recently bought a book called "Back to Eden" by Kloss. This man back in the old days treated many people with all sorts of conditions like stroke, paralysis, rheumatoid, etc... all with natural foods, water therapy, massage, etc and in a matter of days, some weeks, they were all better!

Many of our illnesses stem from poor diet.
I also recall The Gerson who treats many of his cancer patients with raw food, nuts, legumes, etc. ...and they all got better! The idea is that God has given our body the abilities to fight diseases ( the disease of the Egyptians the Bible mentioned) but sometimes we need food that the Creator provided to assist us. Lo and behold...change what we eat...the body repairs itself.

Sorry for writing about a topic unrelated to your post. I replied about your post legitly above. lol.

I believe I have that book. We have to get back to the garden if we want good health! Raw and organic fruits and vegetables!

Thats what i did when my wife persecuted me then she became a follower of the Lord Jesus by Gods grace and mercy got baptize. Godbless bro @coolbowser

Beautiful. When there was nothing, there was God existing in eternity.

Yep, reading out loud definitely helps drive home the important messages.

You know it man!

Faith comes automatically when the gospel of Christ is preach,faith is not something you try to get on your own,it comes as Christ is unveiled in his love and grace,faith is not a struggle if you understand the word of God.Hebrews 12:2 Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith; who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God.

I would suggest that this means hearing it proclaimed, preached. It means to have someone share their faith and learning from God's Word to you. There is, of course, great power in reading the Word of God personally. But this means more than reading it out loud to yourself.

That makes sense. I saw a glimpse of a vlogger who suggest it is a poor idea to read the Bible in one year. I did not have to watch his video to get an idea of what he meant. We sometimes rush through Bible reading without taking time to meditate and also taking time to possibly hear God speaking to us through His holy book.

We can glean such deep and beautiful promises from the Bible even if it means focusing on one verse or even a paragraph and really letting it sink in.

I heard that we can ask 3 questions when reading the Bible. (testimony: I apply this strategy and wrote down my answers. It actually helped me remember what I read later in the day)

  1. What did I just read?
  2. How does this apply to me?
  3. What does this tell me about God's character.

Some people even go as far to ask 20 or more questions on a single Bible verse.
Example: John 3:16

  1. What did God love: Answer the world
  2. Who did God give: Answer the Son
  3. Who will not perish: Answer whomever believes in Him
  4. Repeat many more times!
    Note: You can only ask questions, that the verse itself can answer. Dont ask questions that is found outside that verse. This keeps the focus on the Word.

I remember a story about a ex drug user. His brain was fried from overusing drugs. He was in prison. But one time he grabbed a Bible and read it like no other. Not surface reading but really really reading it. After a period of hours, days, maybe even a week or so...without much eating...his fellow cell mate was afraid of him! They saw his face glowing!

Reminds me of Moses when he spend those 40 days/nights with God on mt sinai and the people below were afraid to look at him. I also heard a pastor share a similar experience at a air port where a man/or women saw lights coming from the pastor's eyes! lol

Anyhow. Let us hear God's word and really take time to digest it. Our rush rush busy life makes this hard to do so. Amen?

I would agree. But, it's the spoken Word that has the power! Reading out loud to yourself or your family is great also. Thanks for stopping in and commenting!

Thanks for sharing i will done upvote I always see your post. And follow you @songtiejun

Nice post.
thanks for sharing.

Read loud and the answers will come.

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