Who is To Be Obeyed : Paul or Moses???

in #christian-trail5 years ago

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To the simpleton in Christianity, confusion is its Hallmark!!


Because of several dichotomy as provided by the Law and the Covenant of Grace by Redemption on the other hand!!

Consequently, these questions becomes obvious.

@How is the Gospel of Grace anti Law??

@Does Redemption by Grace legalized Sin for the Christian?

@What's meant by Once Saved is Always Saved despite sin as being espoused by some gospel Ministers?

@Can Christianity #Stand without the former Covenant of God??

These bordering issues continue to truncate the minds of an intending Christian and that of other faiths.

Can we , in the Christian Community of Steemit discuss this controversial aspect of Christianity here??


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Wouldn't you encourage us by #Upvoting and #Resteeming @whyaskwhy??

@God Bless You!!!


Once we're truly saved we're sealed by the Holy Spirit and receive the Holy Spirit as a down payment. Anybody can claim to be a Christian. Anybody can say the words. But God knows their hearts. Study the parable of the wheat and the tares. Jesus will say to some at the judgment, "I tell you the truth. I never knew you."

You left out the last part of that verse it's I never knew you depart from me you who practice lawlessness. Lawlessness, you know like telling people to not follow the 613 laws that God gave, something you do on here quite often.

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