in #christian-trail5 years ago

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Though, not controversial; but many are not convinced of "Who is a Christian . Despite the Epithet of "Christ" in the mileu , many are yet to decipher and distinguish Christian and Christianity.

You may assist this community in this regard, especially Christians in the House!!

Who is a Christian??

What is Christianity??

What qualify to be a Christian??

Are Jews Christians??

Are Christians Jews??

Do Christians suffer death or Lives Eternally??

Wouldn't You rather be a Christian??

Find this interesting ? Please curate @whyaskwhy

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For me, a Christian is one who lives their lives the way Jesus did when He was here on Earth physically.
The Bible describes Christians as being Christ-like.

Posted using Partiko Android

We're saved by repenting of our sins, accepting what Jesus did on the cross as the only possible payment for our sins, and by accepting Jesus as our Lord.

We're not saved by infant baptism or good works or obeying the man made rules of a church.

We're not saved because we go to church or because our parents were Christians.

We need to do our best to live holy lives. So you can't have sex outside of marriage and/or with someone of the same sex.

You need to read the Bible regularly, pray regularly, and attend a church with sound Christian doctrine where the Bible is preached.

If you're truly saved the Holy Spirit will convict you of the sin in your life. The first thing I did after I became a Christian is I cleaned up my language.

Well said, and I agree with the exception:

attend a church with sound Christian doctrine where the Bible is preached

Christianity is a personal relationship with our Lord Jesus Christ, while fellowship with other Christians is a very nice thing to have, it isn't necessary for salvation.

Blessings my friends..

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