The Most Holy Faith.

The more you go to church the more you listen to the word of God, the more the word of God come alive in you which in turns give birth to faith because the Bible says, "Faith cometh by hearing and hearing by the word of God. (Romans 10:17).


Going to church regularly means the spirit can have a quality time with you away from home, where distraction are every where unless you have a quiet place where you study and pray but still going to church help build your faith listening to another man speak about the same Bible verse you have studied broaden your knowledge of the same verse of the Bible.


So, going to church helps the Holy Spirit to teach you better, thereby increase in faith automatically occurs and from one level to another. By listening to the word of God both in church and at home, your faith rises to a highest level each time.


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There are few Christians who understand the mystery of going to church and also growing spiritually to your most holy faith.

The book of Jude 1:20 says, "But ye, beloved building up yourselves on your most Holy Faith, praying in the Holy Ghost."
This verse further explain the need to grow your faith to the most Holy Faith which is the highest level of faith. The need to continually grow your faith by the day. It further emphasized on the need for you to speak in other tongues thereby catapulting you to that level in which your faith has reached and functioning at that level throughout your prayer time or worship time.


If you always pray in other tongues, you can always function at that level even everyday for your life, the more your faith grows the level at which you will continually function because that level of faith has been registered by the Holy Spirit in you.


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As you speak in other tongues your fellowship or Communion with the Holy Spirit become a reality because you are always speaking His language, the language of the Recreated human spirit. The language of the renewed mind.


As a Christian we need the fellowship of the Holy Spirit to function daily.

I am calling on Christians to wake up to this reality that fellowshipping with the Holy Spirit is a necessity because "Greater is He that is in you than he that is in the world" (1 John 4:4). The one who was present at the creation of the word world, the one who incubate you and brought you into existence lives in you, He knows your name, He knows where you live, He knows where you are going, He knows where you are coming from and what the future holds for you. Fellowship with Holy Spirit and He will show you the mystery in this world.


Are you aware? You stir up the power of God within you by speaking in other tongues.

The more you speak in tongues the more power God releases to the Fibre of your being, the more humble you become, the more the spirit of God takes over your earthly body.


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I beseech you by the mercy of God to keep the fire of God burning in you by speaking in other tongues always, refuse to be distracted by all the time waster of this word, they are the devil's handwork to take you away from the presence of God always.


Lastly, my discussion today has been first, listen to the word of God, then study the Word of God which in turns renew your mind and the spirit of God will absolutely take over and also in addition speaking in other tongues can help you in so many ways. The more you speak the more everything around you obeys you completely.


Thank you for reading and may God give you the right understanding to know the word of God in depth in Jesus name Amen.

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I remain Steven Moses.

See you next time. Remained blessed of God.


Bible Copyright Reference: New King James Version, My Holy Bible.

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