Miracle Producing Counselor

Welcome back to my blog page and sharing my thoughts today with you.

Your Miracle Producing Counselor.

The original Hebrew words actually puts this Scripture this way, "his name shall be called Wonderful Counselor..."
It brings both names together as one. 'Wonderful Counselor' refers to the counsel of a king. In Micah chapter four and verse 9., the Prophet asks, "Now why dost thou cry out aloud? Is there no king in thee? Is thy counselor perished? for pangs have taken thee as woman in travail" thus equating the king with the counselor. He is dealing here with the wise counsel of a king, counsel backed up with power.
The Hebrew word translated 'Wonderful' here actually means 'mighy' acts and deeds, miraculous works. So he is talking about miracle producing counsel that's comes from a king and that can only be Almighty God Who gives you counsel
I will give you a simple example: Only Almighty God could have told Moses, "Take your shepherd's rod, go to Pharoah and wield that rod before him and there would be miracles.
Only the counsel of the Almighty God could have instructed him,"Hold that rod in your hand, stand before the rock, strike it and water will come out.
Do you know that Ordinarily, that sounds stupid; it doesn't seem to make any sense. But the Bible says where the word of a king is there is power (Ecclesiastes 8:4), and we are talking about the counsel of not just any king, but the King of kings, Hallelujah!!!

Such counsel had to have come from the mouth of God, otherwise it wouldn't have worked! Isaiah calls Him 'Wonderful Counselor.' He is your Wonderful Counselor, your miracle Producing Counselor.
When He tells you to do something, it may sound stupid, but it's Miracle-Producing Counsel and that's what makes it wonderful, that's why it's a miracle when that counsel brings forth outstanding results.

Take advantage of Him today. Receive His counsel and let it produce a miracle for you!!!

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Nice one brother! keep it up.

Thank you bro.

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