All Round Prayer with Daily Contest with 3SBD Giveaway.

in #christian-trail7 years ago (edited)

Hello beautiful readers, in the spirit of helping my followers, I have decided to reward steemians that read my post to the end with answers to the contest questions.



Praying always with all prayer and supplication in the spirit, and watching thereunto with all perseverance and supplication for all saints.”- Ephesians 6:18

Prayer is simply defined as an exhortation into the supernatural realm or communication between man and God. In the Garden of Eden, God and man talked (Genesis 3:8-13). In (Genesis 4:26) calling the name of God was first mentioned in prayer (Luke 18:1). Prayer is a key to lock and unlock any door in the sprit realm. However, any prayer offered not in form of dialogue with God is not regarded as true prayer.



Prayer is a place of humility before God and generally, in which thanksgiving prayer can be made followed by forgiveness of sin prayer before saying your mind to God respectively (Thessalonians 5:17-18). Remember heaven needs to open to your prayers if you want to pray and get result (2 Corinthians 2:11), or command heaven to open (Lamentations 3:14-44). The secret of inheriting the promise of God lies in the realm of prayer.


The start of your prayers determines how quick answers to your prayer, the prayer of faith have no doubt (James 5:15), when you believed God that He has answered the prayer because without prayer is useless before God (Mark 11:23-24). A life holiness is regain before God, when you pray and it seemed answer tarried, check yourself first before putting the blames on your adversaries whether adjustment is needed in some area of your life (John 14:13-14).


All round prayer has to do with your sense of order to stand against the wiles of the devil (Ephesians 6:11). Pray always because prayer is the only weapon for all believer of Christ to withstand the devil. I pray the Lord will give us all round victory in Jesus Name.


  • How many times must a Christian pray in a day?

  • Mention what make God answers our prayer?

  • What are the qualifications of a perfect prayer?


  • You must upvote this post and resteem if you will like others to read, learn from it and also participate. Resteem is optional.

  • The fastest accurate answer get 2 SBD as winner of the Daily Contest.

  • The second fastest answer get 1 SBD as runner up of the Daily Contest.

  • Additional advantages is more verses that are not included in the post.

  • Your answer must be in jpeg format.

  • @seyiodus will be my sole judge for now until, I can't find more judges. Thank you for in anticipation of your participation.

God bless you.

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Don't worry about the Jpeg. Just answer the questions. God bless you.

This is my entry.




Great post @stevenmososes
But I really don't understand the Jpeg format, is the answer supposed to be in picture form.
Please attend to this and here is my answer.

• Pray without ceasing-1 These 5:17
Luke-18:1 -man ought always to pray
So there is really no limit to how many times a Christian can pray in a day.

• Heb 11:6- faith, basically our faith, then we must have a relationship with him.

• 1Jn 5:14- According to God's will
Faith- Matt 17:20, 21:22
Holiness is essential

Here is my entry.

As a follower of @followforupvotes this post has been randomly selected and upvoted! Enjoy your upvote and have a great day!


2- praying according to the will of the father.

3- praying without grudge and with love.

Very good post @stevenmosoes, but I don't understand the answers in jpeg format? Jpeg is a picture? Please help?
But in any case, not in jpeg but here it goes
Answer 1: pray always
1 Thessalonians 5:17 "pray without ceasing"

  1. We have to ask forgiveness and forgive others for our prayers to be heard.
    Hebrew 10.19 "Therefore, brethren, having boldness to enter the Holiest by the blood of Jesus,"

Thank you @stevenmosoes

In picture I meant.

In readable picture I meant.


Thanks @stevenmoses for bringing this up and i think we christian writer should adopt this method of posting and asking question at the end of it, thereby encouraging discussion which lead to more understanding of the word of God and gaining more insight. Thanks @hope777 for blazing the trail.

Now to answer your question

1- we are to pray always. There is no required number of time to pray neither is there a duration for prayer. As a follower of Jesus Christ we admonished in 1 Thessalonian 5 vs 17 which says "pray without ceasing". Going further let take a look at luke 18 vs 1 - 8, the judge and the woman parable of our Lord Jesus Christ. In that verse our Lord Jesus buttress the importance of praying without ceasing.

Now to answer number 2 and 3 question. The answer lie in the Lord's prayer. Which goes thus
“Therefore do not be like them. For your Father knows the things you have need of before you ask Him. In this manner, therefore, pray: Our Father in heaven, Hallowed be Your name. Your kingdom come. Your will be done On earth as it is in heaven. And forgive us our debts, As we forgive our debtors. And do not lead us into temptation, But deliver us from the evil one. For Yours is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever. Amen. “For if you forgive men their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you. But if you do not forgive men their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses.
Matthew 6:8‭-‬10‭, ‬12‭-‬15 NKJV

Now what make God answer our prayer. It is not enough to pray in faith and with faith but we must also pray according to the will of God and the will of God for us is to seek His kingdom thats why our Lord Jesus start by saying " Our Father in heaven, Hallowed be Your name. Your kingdom come. Your will be done On earth as it is in heaven. the second is when we go to God let go to Him with a clean heart bearing love not hatred towards our fellow man and woman. For the word of God made us to understand that the prayer of a sinner is an abomination unto God. Sin here compasses many thing, hatred is just one of them, so also is unforgiveness, gossiping, backbiting, lieing and so many innocent act we try to categories as small or little sin and believe they have no effect in our relationship with God.

When Jesus speak, He speak of what our Father in heaven says to Him in other word the Lord's prayer is a perfect template to use in praying prayer answering prayers.

Our Lord Jesus did not start with give us daily bread but instead He start by exhorting The name of The Lord, He went further by praying for the establishment of God's kingdom here on earth then a prayer forgiveness of sin. Praying a God kingdom establishment prayer will lead to your prayer being answer.

Now to fully answer number 2- kingdom establishment focus prayer, a clean hand and clean heart which mean repented soul.

Number 3 - A perfect prayer is one that is pray according to the will of God or word of God and when you pray according to the word of God, God will no choice but to answer you because He honour His word above His name. Psalm 138 vs 2.

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