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RE: The Christian-Trail

I vote at 100% power for Christian content that I agree with. If I don't agree, and if the content is core doctrine eg salvation and to a lesser extent end-times then my vote % may be lower, or I may vote at all.

I intend to support this channel, and other christians channels with 100% of my voting power.

Thank you for creating this trail!


You are most welcome my friend. I try and resteem a lot of the content whether I agree 100% or not. I firmly believe we are all flawed yet equal at the foot of the cross...


I agree:

"For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God; (Romans 3:23)

But we are not all equal at the foot of the cross IMHO (maybe I have misunderstood your intent or taken you out of context - please forgive and correct me if I have)?

Matthew 7 tells us that many people proclaiming and believing themselves to be christians will be rejected by Jesus. We are either saved or unsaved, simple - anything else is semantics and superfluous. God is not going to hear their case when they ask him why he cast them in to hell - he already knows their heart and has made his judgement. I'm a stickler for what the bible tells us about salvation.

Please do not take my comments the wrong way or out of context. I sincerely appreciate what you are doing with this trail and I will support you and pray that it helps many people find salvation - but I won't support false doctrine (and I am not saying that you do). I am merely stating my position. If a post is doctrinally sound I will give it a 100% upvote, if it isn't, I will give it a lesser a upvote, if any at all.

I don't want to get into a doctrinal discussion with you. There is already enough division in Christendom. I'm simply sharing my voting intent.

Galatians 1:6-8

I marvel that ye are so soon removed from him that called you into the grace of Christ unto another gospel: Which is not another; but there be some that trouble you, and would pervert the gospel of Christ. But though we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel unto you than that which we have preached unto you, let him be accursed.

If I preach another gospel I will be accursed so this is non-negotiable for me. While the apostles were alive false doctrines and gospels were already spreading. Satan is incredibly cunning. God Bless.

What I mean by "all equal at the foot of the cross" is he knows our hearts and he will judge us all, I will not.

With that said, there has been what appears to me out right blasphemy on Steemit; I will not vote for that no...

But I see it like this, if you gave to a widow woman help because you believed she needed it, then it was found that in fact she was a scam artist who would be at fault you or her ?

We could debate for days and perhaps there is a place for that. But if it isn't bringing anyone to the Lord then what Glory is it for him ?

I am also wondering if you understand the voting adjustment statement in my post. If you aren't following the trail via Streemian it doesn't apply to you :)


God will not judge me, or any other saint.

Romans 8:1 - There is therefore now no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus, who walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit.

John 5:24 - Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that heareth my word, and believeth on him that sent me, hath everlasting life, and shall not come into condemnation; but is passed from death unto life.

With that said, there has been what appears to me out right blasphemy on Steemit; I will not vote for that no...

That's great to hear.

But I see it like this, if you gave to a widow woman help because you believed she needed it, then it was found that in fact she was a scam artist who would be at fault you or her ?


No, it seems that I didn't understand the full context of your post. I don't use Streemian. I was commenting on manual posts. But this now raises a serious question - why would a Christian allow a bot to vote for them on Christian doctrine and how does a bot know the difference between true and false doctrine?

I'm glad you are a saint, must me lonely up there...

A bot doesn't vote....

All saved believers are saints, it's not lonely and everyone is welcome.

Please tell me what the purpose of Streemian christian-trail is? I thought that Streemian was created so that people could auto-vote? I've been invited to join many times and everyone person that invited me told me that this was why I should join.

Were they lying to me? If so, please tell me so that I can direct them to this post.

Why are Christians using Streemian other than for the purpose of auto-voting? If It has another purpose please tell me what it is because I don't know any other reason - this is what I have been told.

You wrote this in your post:

but this trail would be different; it wouldn't be about curation rewards; just voting on what the curator thought was a good bet for earning rewards.

Correct me if I'm wrong but that sounds to me like the purpose of @christian-trail is earning rewards?

I just want the truth - please be straight with me. God Bless.

Steemvoter autovotes for authors you choose.
Streemian follows Curators votes that you choose.

Perhaps you have confused the two.

The purpose of the Christian-Trail is so Christians can support one another by lending some of their Steem Power and time to the trail to help grow the Christian Community.

That statement is referring to "Different" from my other trail that was created to earn curation rewards for myself and my followers. I was in the top 100 curators for ages, we earned well...

Until very recently, most Christian related post earned very little, therefor there were no curation rewards. This is what was meant by that statement.

If you feel you have to be "talked into" something then very likely you shouldn't do it.

We certainly are not trying to talk you into anything..
We're simply making everyone aware of the changes we are implementing..

Thank you for explaining that. I did not know the difference but now that I do I can look into it further. I've been away for 6 months and only came back two weeks ago. As I said from the outset. I want to support christian content as much as I can so thank you for what you are doing.

Wow. I'm so happy to see someone like you who not only gets the Gospel but is also passionate about it. I was raised Muslim and can sometimes get really passionate about doctrinal differences like Paul did with people who try to pervert the Gospel and mix or conflate faith with works. God bless you man. I threw you a follow...

I'm so glad that you found Jesus and thank you for the encouraging comment and follow. I've been following you for a little while after I read your content. Keep it up. God bless you brother.

Thanks bro! God bless you too :]

Oh dear, I am brand new and understand nothing about vote weight. I just thought you clicked on the Upvote symbol. What am I missing?

When you reach a higher reputation level (or amount of Steem Power) - I am not sure which. You will then see a slider that allows you to adjust your vote from 1%-100%. If you vote at 100% you have 10 votes per day as it keeps topping itself up. You should be able to find some good articles about it - just click the search button (magnifying glass) at the top of the page and do a search. Try to find more recent articles.

You can check your voting power here - enter your username in the top right corner. I hope this helps.

Edit: Just saw this article which will explain a bit more -

Thanks! There is so much to learn!

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