Urgent Prayer Request ❤️

in #christian-trail6 years ago (edited)

On behalf of Pastor Jonathan Fenix (one of our Christ Commission Fellowship (CCF Main) pastors) and family, I am humbly asking all of you my dear steemit family and friends to please include them in your prayers. This is his own post from his Facebook wall and all photos here are his own shared on his timeline photos (mobile upload). I was in tears reading this a while ago. I was in the office and my heart goes out to their unborn baby, Hunter. I just felt led to share this with you all. Please let us shake the heavens with our prayers for Pastor Jonathan Fenix and his family especially to baby Hunter. Below is his personal post and his own photos.

Image Source(direct link to img)

Image Source(direct link to img)

My dearest son Hunter, you are not yet born but your mommy and I are already so in love with you. We have been waiting for you for over six years and in less than two months you will be in our arms. We cannot wait to finally hold you.

Hunter, son, I would like you to know that you are perfect even though you have an underdeveloped heart. You see, the left side of your heart is small. You have what is called Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome. Son, no one born in the Philippines has survived HLHS. Your mommy and I are doing our best to determine the best way to get you the best treatment possible. We love you so much and we are doing our best to care for you.

Hunter, son, daddy wants you to know that you have to be a brave little man as soon as you are born. You will need to undergo surgery at just a few days old. Daddy won't lie, we are not sure if you will still be with us after the surgery. So mommy and I will love you worth a lifetime within just a few days because a few days may be all we have together as a family.

Son, as much as mommy and daddy love you, please know that Jesus loves you far more than we ever can. Do you know Jesus is God but He chose to be born as a man? Yes, He was once a little baby like you. Do you know why He came? Jesus was born so that He could live the sinless life none of us can live, and die a sinner’s death that all of us deserve. Yes Hunter, Jesus did all that so we can be brought back to God. This is called grace and we receive it through faith. Your mommy and I put our faith in Jesus many years ago, that is why we know we are God's children as much as you are ours. Your mommy and I have been forgiven of all our sins and we have been living our lives with Jesus. We cannot wait to see Him someday.

Hunter, it is possible you will get to see Jesus before mommy and daddy does. Please know that we will miss you so much if you go too soon. But know that we thank God for you and we will never ever forget you. God knew this was going to happen and He intended it for a higher purpose and a greater good. If He chooses to heal you, it may help people believe in Him. But don't worry Hunter, it's not your fault if people still don’t believe. No miracle or evidence or proof can force a person’s will. If God chooses to take you, He will enable people to be strong in their faith and let others see that tragedies cannot destroy the faith of the faithful. So just trust Him Hunter, trust in the Lord. He is great, He is good.

See you soon my son. Even if you grow up to a big, strong man you will always be little baby Hunty to me.



I was still in tears up to this writing. The Lord spoke to me and I will use this wonderful platform to help them in any way I can. I praise and thank God for speaking to me. Friends, 100% of this post's payout will all go to their family to be used for baby Hunter's operation. I will keep in touch with our area pastor @reggiechan in helping me to give them whatever amount this post will raise. God bless you all and please the most important thing is that, we will pray for them, for baby Hunter. ❤️

I will definitely keep you all updated. Thank you so much for this.

I am @sashley a.k.a. shirleynpenalosa, a recipient of God's love, mercy and grace. ❤️. ❤️

Have a blessed L❤️ve Month 2018 everyone :-)❤️

I am forever grateful to God every day of my life for giving me everything that I need and praise Him all the more for not giving me everything I want. To God be all the honor, praise and glory ❤️ :-)

@surpassinggoogle is such a generous person and has a very big heart for all of us here. Please support him as a witness by voting him at https://steemit.com/~witnesses and type in "steemgigs" at the first search box.

(Photo credits: from sir @surpassinggoogle's post footer)

If you want to give him witness voting decisions on your behalf, visit https://steemit.com/~witnesses again and type in "surpassinggoogle" in the second box as a proxy.

@paradise-found is a wonderful person, a very humble and generous encourager, let us also support him by voting and typing in "gratefulvibes" at the search box

(Photo credits: mam @sunnylife)

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They need our support


Gave my 100% for baby Hunter.. I felt the sadness of baby Hunter's parents and I pray that God give them strength to whatever will happen in the future... God bless you sis @shirleynpenalosa and Pastor Jonathan Fenix and family.

thank you so much sis & God bless you and your family more <3

God bless you sis. I just saw this post now.
I will pray for baby Hunter and for the family!!
Please let me know how this comes out and what I can do to help.
Love you @shirleynpenalosa!! Bear Hugs!! x0x0x

God bless you more, @paradise-found, our dear papa bear <3 and thank you for your prayers :-) I will keep you updated papa bear <3. We love you more <3 here's one big big big bear hugs to you and your wonderful family <3 x0x0x

Dear Lord we ask today
As we bow our heads and pray
May your healing touch now find
A miracle so true and kind
As Hunter's little life now be
from his struggles, set him free
May the doctors find a way
that he can live, grow and play
May his heart find healing mend
For we know you are his friend
His mommy and daddy need you
Lift their hearts, see them through.
But if his life must silent go
We trust you as you love him so
You made him so complete
with his little hands and feet
And so your will now to be
For we trust you completely
As this prayer we lift today
In Jesus name we pray...Amen.

Amen and Amen. Thank you so much. :-)

thank you so much & God bless :-)

In him everything​ is possible! This is what I experience​ so much in this year! The things we can't understand and control but all in HIS control. Stay positive​! You are in my prayer.

Amen. Thank you for your prayer for baby Hunter :-) God bless you :-)

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