Making Something Out Of Nothing (prt2)

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Previously, i talked about how God transformed the earth from a formless, empty and darkness filled entity to an amazing place in a split moment. You can see the first part here The question is, what step did the earth took that compelled God to come to its aid?

gen. 1:3 reads: And God said ........

Before you'll get to the point of God speaking his life giving word to cause a change in your life, there are certain steps that you must take to activate such declaration. From the earth's experience in Gen.1:1-3, there was something the earth had that gave it hope in such a low state of its life that help is on the way. What's that thing the earth had?

If we look closely at that same book of Genesis chapter one, towards the end of chapter two there is a portion that reads

and the spirit of God moved upon the face of the deep
Earth consulted God in its lowest moment and gave God complete charge over it. What do you think the spirit of God was doing in a formless, empty and darkness filled earth? It was stirring faith in the heart of earth to be able to grasp the life changing words that is about to be spoken over it. Until your spirit is in tune with the spirit of God, the spoken word of God will have no effect in you.

From this story of the transformation of the earth in genesis 1, let me highlight three things the earth did that brought its change speedily.

  • Earth was hungry for a change:

Earth didn't deny the condition it was in. It was very aware of all that was hitting it left, right and centre. It might even have tried everything within its power to make such ill situations go away but it couldn't and it realized that something drastic needed to be done. Until you understand where you are and see the need for a change, you may not experience the change you seek.

Earth knew that the situation confronting it was bigger than it could address by itself and it was desperate to turn things. This desperation was what led earth to the next step.

  • Earth consulted the right source:

Who are you consulting? Who you take your problems to will determine how soon that problem will be resolved or how long it is going to last. I don't think any sane person would go to an engineer to prescribe a medication for his/her migraine. Are you taking your challenges to the right source? Or you're taking it to sources that would only make it worse?

Earth sought God and gave the spirit of God total charge over it in its most trying moment. It knew only God has the ability to save it from such scary situation. What's the mountain confronting you? Are you taking the challenge to God or you're depending on your abilities or the help of man? God never fails! He has the ability to turn around any situation in a split moment if only you would invite him over. Just like the earth, invite the spirit of God into your life today and watch God turn things around.

  • Earth had complete trust in God:

Until you give God total charge over your life and situation, he can't do anything about your situation. Most of us claim to have given our lives to God, but we always depend on our strengths and abilities whenever we are confronted by life's circumstances. God has the power to cause whatever change you need in your life, but you have to completely trust in him.

Earth had faith in God. It knew that God knows what is best for it and it gave God complete control over it. That's what trusting God is all about: Giving God total control over your life regardless of the circumstances. you have to trust God enough to give him the freedom to perfect his work in your life.

God can change anyone and any situation but he can't do anything for you until you invite him into your life and give him complete control to perfect his work in your life. If he can transform earth from such a sorry state to a wonderful place in a split moment, he can also transform your life into that wonderful person that he has destined you to be. invite him in today and watch your life turn around for good.

You're always welcome to share your thoughts on the comment section. Thanks for stopping by.


The first step in getting anything is by showing a strong desire for such thing. This is a very inspiring message. I love it.

It is true that change begins with me and i am glad you provided this reminder

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