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Scripture verse
He that is slow to anger is better than the mighty; and he that ruleth his spirit than he that taketh a city.
Proverbs 16:32

There is a popular saying in the local dialect in Ghana that says, "Real men don't cry." This saying has been said on countless occasions, especially when a person has lost a loved one and is mourning. Perhaps, it is possible this might be an explanation why African men generally do not show their emotions.
*As believers, it isn't that we aren't allowed to freely express our emotions, but what God wants is for us to take authority over our emotions. We need emotional strength.

Emotional strength is the ability to hold back your emotions even when your emotions want to get out of hand. Having emotional strength doesn't mean you are dead emotionally, yes, you have the feelings but you must learn how to control them.

Those who are emotionally strong do not daily react to external influences. God wants us to reach that level where even in sorrow, we find strength emotionally.

In Galatians 5:22, self- control is mentioned as a fruit of the spirit, meaning every spirit-filled growing Christian must master self control.
Every Christian matures by learning to develop emotional strength.

No matter what goes on in your life, let strength make you continue offering God His praise and worship. Sometimes we allow personal setbacks and emotional hurts to influence our worship and praise.
Let no thing, person or circumstance steal your joy.

Emotional weakness has led people to sin and it draws us back as believers. Cain allowed his anger to destroy his life. He allowed that little ember of anger erupt into a fire that pushed him to kill his own brother.
Be emotionally strengthened not to allow setbacks determine your mood or actions.
Be strong in the Lord.

Father, strengthen me from the inside. Grant me grace to be self controlled in Jesus name. Amen

God bless us

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