
Scripture verse
1 Corinthians 2:12
Now we have received, not the spirit of the world, but the spirit which is of God; that we might know the things that are freely given to us of God.

As humans, life stops when we stop breathing. There's something we breath in that's called oxygen and it is found in something called air. Even though we cant see this air with our eyes, we believe it exists, and it's keeping us alive.

In the same way, God has made so many things available to us, which include the spiritual things that we can't physically see.

The Bible says, there are things the eye can't see, the ear can't hear, neither have they entered the mind of man, but these are there. They are real, they exist. But not everyone can hold them because to different people there are different kinds of reality. Depending on what you call reality you may know these, see these things, or even experience them.

If the purpose for the death of Jesus had been easily discerned by the devil, he would not have been eager to have him killed.
Probably, If he knew his death was to bring salvation he wouldn't have allowed it.
From the devil's view, Christ's death was an end, but in reality it was a beginning.

Inasmuch as man has a spirit, God has a Spirit. And this Spirit knows all the things of God. In order for us to connect and find more about God, and know his mind, we need to connect to the Spirit of God. He alone gives us this ability to know more about God.
May the Spirit of God give us the ability to discern what God's plan is for us and what His agenda is at any given time.

Father, I thank You for your sweet Holy Spirit. May I receive grace to discern your will and plans for my life. Amen.


If the purpose for the death of Jesus had been easily discerned by the devil, he would not have been eager to have him killed.

Ha...interesting point!

However, the Spirit makes me know that satan knew GOD had a HUGE "hedge of protection" around His Son Jesus. And, satan knew the final journey of earthly life for Jesus, would be Heaven.

Heaven is the place satan was banished from for all eternity. He's stuck with his eternal home, called Hell. He was full aware, because of his time in Heaven, that the cycle of life, is to die once and then the Judgment. (Hebrews 9:27)

Remember, when Peter rebuked Jesus by saying, "Let not that happen to You!" and Jesus said, “Get behind Me, Satan! You are a stumbling block to Me. For you do not have in mind the things of God, but the things of men." (HA!)

I surmise that the devil did everything he could possibly do to prevent Jesus' Death. Satan used, and continue to use many, by trying to 'confuse and manipulate' God's Plan. Jesus was so bold as to tell those who thought they were heaven bound; that they were of "their father the devil" (John 8:44).

No, satan knew that Jesus' Death was going to cost him (satan) a lot of souls. For it was Jesus' dying on the Cross, which saved sinners lost,, me, and the whole wide world....

Sadly, it seems like many are coming out of the woodwork dropping satanic signs and symbols, making known who they worship. What's saddest of all is that many of these people are being snuffed die once...and then the JUDGMENT. May GOD have Mercy on all souls.

I end with John 3:16...For God so loved the world, that He GAVE His ONLY BEGOTTEN SON, that whosoever believeth on Him, shall be SAVED (from the eternal damnation of Hell).


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