in #christian-trail7 years ago (edited)


By this singular act of God, He broke down the barrier of the dividing wall. The people could now meet with HIM personally, without a human High Priest.

The shed blood of Jesus Christ on Cavalry now opens the door wide to every believer, including you. You do not have to approach God as a slave or beggar. You are not a pauper any longer. You do not require the services of a human High Priest any longer. I mean, you can go boldly to God and ask whatsoever you desire in Jesus name. The book of

Hebrews chapter 4 verses 16 says:

Let us therefore, come boldly unto the throne of grace that we may obtain mercy, and find grace to help in times of need.

May I point out here that this freedom and access created was purely initiated by God and has nothing to do with our persons, that is, our righteousness or goodness? It is a privilege purely granted to us believers by God through His Son, without our contributing to it. So, it is available to all who care to come to Him, just as salvation is free and available to anyone who comes to Jesus BY FAITH.

One truth I always try to impress on people , is to develop in them the realization that they have every right to the presence of God to pray to God without necessarily waiting to channel their prayers to God through a pastor or an elder of a church. Some of these people I talked with, I realize do not have slightest idea that they (as believers) have the same and equal right as I to the throne of grace. I do not talk down on the position of pastors and ministers rather I emphasis that every one should build a personal relationship with God.

They seem to have consciously or unconsciously believed that the only person that can approach or talk with God on their behalf is their pastor or some elderly brethren. So, when they have any problems or needs, they MUST seek the help of a pastor or an elder, whose prayers, they believe, God always hears. They are completely ignorant of the fact that they too have the access and privilege to talk to God and have their prayers answered, as do their pastor. I consider this a grave mistake and ignorance of the highest order.

The ignorance of this RIGHT has driven many Christians from pillar to post, in search of a man of God or preacher to pray for them. You find such Christians run about in pursuit of every preacher in town. I call them PRAYER COLLECTORS.

Don’t misunderstand me. I do not mean to say that you do not sometimes need the prayers of your pastor. Yes, you surely need his prayers, but I am saying that even before you think of going to your pastor, you must have first talked with your God.

You must develop the confidence that you too can approach God and have your prayers answered. It is important for you to know that because of what Christ have done; you have the same right as the preacher, to the presence of God. I am convinced beyond doubt that believers today must consciously walk in this knowledge if they must walk with God. Again, I want to stress that you have a full right as a believer to approach God without permission from anybody. This realization makes you bold and confident.

The devil is always afraid of the believer that knows this right.

Images credited to Google Search

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