in #christian-trail6 years ago

Lesson contd


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(B) lnstilled With Wisdom 2 Peter 3: 15, 16

Until recent years, written communication was the primary means of long distance contact. The apostle Paul used this method to both encourage and correct the local churches of his day, many of which he helped plant. His compassion for the churches overflows from the pages of his letters that are included in the New Testament.

Another writer of that time was Peter. He referred toPaul’s writings as being filled with God’s wisdom (2 Peter 3:15). Beyond this, Peter associated Paul’s writings with the Hebrew Scriptures, placing them on an equal footing with the Old Testament.


(A) God’s Word Is Living And Active (Hebrews 4:12,13)

One way the Bible affects people who read it is by its ability to change lives. As people read the Word, the Spirit of God is able to move over their hearts and minds. The Scriptures record the miraculous and make it clear that miracles still happen by God’s power today. God’s Word is influential and authoritative even after thousands of years. People are transformed as they encounter God in the Bible.

The author of Hebrews captured the essence of this truth as he addressed the scope of the Bible’s influence (Hebrews 4:12). He referred to the Bible as alive and active. Like a sword it can penetrate and affect the whole person mentally, spiritually, and physically. By God’s grace His Word transforms us as we open our hearts and allow it to discern our thoughts and intentions.

(B) God’s Word Is God-Breathed (2 Timothy 3:15-17; 1 Peter 1:22,23)

Young Jewish boys at the time of Jesus began studying Scripture around age 5. Paul refers to this in his second letter to Timothy, stating that Timothy became aware Of salvation through his mother and grandmother’s teaching of the Old Testament (2 Timothy 3:15).Such is an example for parents today of the need for and value of instructing children in God’s Word at an early age.

Because Scripture is God-breathed inspired by the Spirit of God it is able to instruct, discipline, reprimand, correct, and make us ready for godly living (verses 16,17). It is useful for us at any age to know God’s will. Knowing the Bible can prepare us for any good work.

QUESTION: How can God’s Word help us “love one another with a pure heart fervently” (1 Peter 1 :22)?

For us to seek God’s will through His Word is both humbling and liberating. The commonplace things of life that can so often drag us down are now contrasted with the eternal, lifegiving thirgs of God. The transformation the Spirit works in our lives frees us to love more intensely, taking our focus away from self-centredness to a place of giving and grace. Such love should be the mark of Christians in any community, and such love grows as one returns often to God's Word.


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