in #christian-trail6 years ago (edited)


A biographer records segments in the life of a person he or she thinks the public will find interesting. It is the writer’s role to gather information to portray truth and depth to the individual’s story. If it were you, how would you attempt to disclose more about this individual’s life so others would come to know him or her on a deeper level?

God was very intentional in telling His story through the writers of Scripture. Each was able to reveal some sense of God’s plan of salvation in a unique yet united way.


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(A) Recognised As God’s Word (Exodus 24:3-7)

Moses had spent time alone with God on Mount Sinai receiving the divine words we call the Ten Commandments. Moses had then returned to the people of Israel and instructed them how to live. The Israelites’ hearts were open to God’s words and they committed themselves to following them (Exodus 24:3).

Their openness is a model for our hearts. When we recognise that the Bible is given by God, we have to choose if we will listen to and obey His Word. If we do, we will be blessed. If we do not, we reject His revelation of himself and His plan of salvation.

QUESTION: Why is it important that we acknowledge the Bible as God’s Word?

As we embrace God’s instruction, encouragement, warnings, and hope, we come to understand His heart of love more deeply. We are then more capable of cherishing those things of the world that can bring us harm.

(B) Embraced As Inspired (Acts 1:15-17)

QUESTION: How does one ’s attitude toward the Bible shape that person’s response to its instruction?

Those in the Early Church accepted the Scripture as given by God, literally spoken by the Holy Spirit through writers of long ago. Because of this view they took seriously the worth and significance of God’s Word, studying it daily to find direction and help for their lives. As we accept the Bible as being inspired by God, the words are elevated above all others for instruction on how to live.


(A) Moved By The Spirit (2 Peter 1:19-21; Jeremiah 36:2)

Biblical prophecy both “forth tells” in relation to issues in the prophets’ day, and foretells events to come. Such revelations of God were not fabricated by men and women. Prophets were inspired by the Spirit of God in order to speak forth His truth and His divine message (2 Peter 1:19-21).

The apostle Peter stated the words of the prophets were validated in Christ and that we show great wisdom when we listen and respond to their writings. They are for us a light in the darkness until the light of Christ shines directly on us. So the Bible is a light to help us live as God wants us to.

We need to keep in mind as we read the Bible that it ws written by men who were moved by the Holy Spirit. So we do not simply hear from Jeremiah or Paul or the other writers of Scripture when we come to the Bible. We hear from God. This is why the time we spend with God in His Word can transform and renew us.

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