in #christian-trail6 years ago


To think of the Church in terms of buildings, locations, or programmes is to have a misunderstanding of the Lord’s Intent when He said, “Upon this rock I will build my church” (Matthew 16:18).

Jesus never constructed a building, stayed in one place, or developed a programme for some felt need in His ministry. While these things are often necessary in our world today, the Church must be seen in larger terms. At a basic level, the Church is composed of lives built on the sure foundation of Jesus. It is also the coming together of these lives to form congregations and groups of congregations to fulfil the mission given to the Church.


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(A) The Church’s Foundation and Cornerstone (1Corinthians 3:11; Ephesians 2:20)

QUESTION: What are some of the forces that may cause a building to collapse?

Many natural forces, such as wind floods, and earthquakes, can cause buildings to fall. Often when a large and dangerous storm has crossed an Impoverished or relatively primitive area of the world, the devastation is overwhelming.

Just as there are storms in the natural world that can damage and destroy property, there are “storms” that can adversely affect the personal lives of people. Those who serve the Lord understand being a child of God does not make one immune to the adversities and storms that come. This is why it is good to know that the Church and the Christian faith is built on a solid foundation; Jesus Christ (1 Corinthians 3:11).

QUESTION: In what sense are the apostles and prophets part of the foundation of the Church?

The apostles were eyewitnesses to the message and ministry of Jesus. They also witnessed the resurrected Christ. The testimony of all they saw and heard became the substance on which the Church was built (see 1 John 1:1-3). Similarly, prophets proclaimed God’s word in the Church, strengthening the foundation laid by God’s apostles. Jesus, himself, is the Cornerstone of this foundation. He is the basis for the gospel and the Stone that holds the entire structure together.

(B) The Church’s Head. (Ephesians 1:22; Colossians 1:18)

QUESTION: According to Colossians 1:1-8, why is Christ the Head of the Church?

Christ is described in Colossians 1:18 as being “the beginning, the firstborn from the dead”. He is the source or origin of all life. He is also the first to rise from the dead permanently (see Revelation 1:5). Being the first implies that others also will be raised from the dead. Indeed, Christ has gone before us into heaven to prepare for our arrival. Sitting at the right hand of God. He is the Head over all things, including the Church.

The Church is to look to Christ for direction, corporately and individually. Each member is to respond to the commands of the Head. Doing the will of Christ is to be the Church’s highest priority.


(A) Many Members, One Body (Romans 12:4,5)

The Church is not a building built with wood and stone but a community of believers joined together through faith in Christ helping each other.

The Lord takes individuals that perform different functions. Romans 12:4 makes it clear the same is true of the body of Christ. It is easy to see our part in the work of the Lord as the most important. We must remember that no matter how vital our role seems to be, each of us is still just one part of a very large body.

Every member is important. We are not to allow ourselves to be caught up with the notion that one person or position is the only thing that holds the Church together or keeps it going.

(B) Unity In The Body (1 Corinthians 12:12-27)

QUESTION: Why is it necessary for' the Church to display unity to the world?

The world needs to see a unified body of believers. When the Church is perceived as fragmented and full of inward turmoil, unbelievers are not likely to desire to become believers. They often fail to see the difference between the competitive and cruel nature of the world at large and the internal strife and power struggles within the organisation of the Church.

As Christians, we must take care not to be seen as attacking other branches of the Church just to try and make our church, fellowship, or denomination shine. When the world sees we are joined together as a loving community, Christ Jesus is lifted up and men and women are attracted to Him.


(A) To Worship (Acts 2:42-47)

QUESTION: What are some of the ways that the Church and believers witness to the world?

Believers in Christ witnessed to the world with a showing of internal unity coupled with life-styles focused on fellowship, worship, and prayer. As the Holy Spirit led believers, miraculous signs followed the preaching of the Word of God. This had an obvious impact on unbelievers.

Additionally, the Early Church realised the need to minister to members of the body who had material needs. All the activities described in verses 42-47 can be described as forms of worship. Gathering together to seek God in His Word and in prayer, ministering to the needs of others, and proclaiming the gospel are all ways to express worship to God.

(B) To Evangelise And Disciple (Matthew 28:19,20)

Whether it is across the lawn, across town, or across the globe, the Church is commanded to go out into the world where the lost reside and take the gospel to them. People reaching other people is to be a primary focus of the Church. As the Church goes forth to proclaim the message of salvation, the Lord has promised to always be at the side of believers who are doing His work.

(C) To Build Up Believers (Ephesians 4:11-16)

QUESTION: What is the purpose of leaders in the Church?

The plan of God has never been to reach the lost and abandon them. God gives to the Church people who can instruct and guide His people. Among these peeple are apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors, and teachers. They are to help believers in Christ growin spiritual maturity so they are prepared for service.

This involves teaching, training, and being a model fer them to follow. Leaders assist believers in becoming mature in their faith and knowledge of God, to develop Christlike character. Leaders therefore, need to be sensitive to the leading of the Holy Spirit to help them find the right ways to strengthen believers.


The Church is the great vehicle that God has placed in the world to move men and women from their lost position to salvation in Jesus Christ and ultimately to heaven. God has called the Church to evangelise the world, to assist believers in maturing spiritually and to worship Him.

As members of the body of Christ, we are to unite to fulfil the mission God has given to the Church. Based on what we have learned in this study, each of us needs to answer the following questions in honest evaluation:

ls Christ the foundation of my life?

Am I listening to and obeying Christ as the Head of my life?

Am I striving to be a contributing member of the body of Christ or is my involvement in the church mostly self-seeking?

How am l helping my church fulfil its God-given mission to reach the lost, mature believers, and worship God?

Good morning!
cheers! Omonosa


Good to hear from you omonosa, Thanks for sharing with Us!


Christ is the visible head and all others are the body and the long arms, therefore we must be at the service of the needy brother who goes in search of spiritual food or material

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