Vs1 I urge,then,first of all, that request, prayers, intercession and thanks giving be made for everyone. NIV

Vs8 I want men everywhere to lift up holy hands in prayer, without anger or disputing. NIV

All the believers and faithful steemians out there, this is a charge for everyone of us to lift up the banner of intercessory prayer for every soul out their that are lost for restoration back to God.

Intercession :-is a way of filling the gap in place of prayer for a person or persons before the Lord.


This kind of prayer is totally for another person, you forget about you own problems and seek the face of God on behalf of that person, church, city, state, country, nation or missionary on a particular situation as the case may be. There are lots of people who stands and fill the gap for their state, brethren, and even for the lost souls and backsliders.

Moses stood his ground and interced for the children of Israel when God was about to destroy them. Read (Exodus 32:31-33)

Daniel also intercede in prayer for the restoration of Israel about they were been taken for captivity. The stipulation date was 70yesrs which was over. Daniel a true man of God who was filled with the Holy Spirit and intelligent, knew the time has been completed for isrealist to return back to their land. He intercede for them in prayer. Read (Daniel 9)

The brethren at Jerusalem prayed for apostle Peter when he was put in prison by King Herod. (Acts 12:1-10)

Jesus Christ prayed for Peter and every believe. (Luke 22:31-32)

God wants us to grow into maturity in prayer. Not to be greedy and self-centered in the place of prayer. Read (Ephesians 6:18, Galatians 6:2, Hebrews 13:1, 1Timothy 2:1-8). God bless you as you do that in Jesus name.

Let us orau:-our Lord dear God, we thank and appreciate you for a day like this we bless you o lord that we are partakers of your mercy today. Lord we ask of you, that the power to obey and do your will be given to us all. Amen

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@olusolaemmanuelThe Call For Action

Project | The Silent Tears Of Minnows


The greatest ministry is intercessory . for more follow @alfredinho

yes it place can not be over emphasis

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