Vacation 5 miracles 3 month old baby healed 100% JESUS!

We were on vacation in the Philippines. First day in Mindanao, 4th day of our trip, and we find my wife’s 3 month ol niece is not growning. Weak, eyes sunken, could’nt hold her own head erect and when she cried, just a whimper, like a little lamb.

This is a photo of Paw Paw from a year ago!


But when we saw her for the first time she was pitiful! The medical term that we heard was failure to thrive. But Jesus! This is the thing!
Mat 19:26 But Jesus beheld them, and said unto them, With men this is impossible; but with God all things are possible.

God is always looking for a man or woman that will believe Him! So the first night I lay on the bed with her on my chest and cried out to God! For 1 1/2 hours I fervently petitioned God. And ...... Nothing! It seemed like God was saying no. I have found with God, what seems like no, is not always no. He wants to see what we are made of. Actually He already knows, but He reveals to us what we are made of.

So the second night, I got that precious liitle girl, went into our bedroom. My wife was sitting at the foot of the bed. I layed that little baby on my chest. I cried out to God! My prayer was about the character of God! “Lord, you are the God that heals! It is your character to heal! Even your Name Jehovah Rapha means the God who heals!” The second thing I prayed, “Lord I love this baby, but I am sure you love her more. Show your power, love and character to this little one and her family.”

Wow, Wow, Wow! His presence filled that room! I cried as I could feel His presence and love! For 1 1/2 hours we were in the presence of the Holy One, God Almoghty! My tears were like rivers down my cheeks, I sobbed until my stomach hurt!

This photo was taken only a couple of days after God worked a miracle in this baby!


When we got up off of that bed, this little girl was 100% healed! Hallelujah! Jesus the same, yesterday, today and forever! Immediately she was strengthened. That night she began to cry in the middle of the night and the entire household was amazed. All 14 of us were standing over top of this baby who for the first time cried like a baby should! Like a fire alarm! She could hold her head erect! Before if you held her up, her head would tilt to the side. She was three months old and she had only gained 3 ounces over her birth weight. Now God is showing His goodness and demonstrating the power of the Name of Jesus Christ!

When we were back in the USA for 2 months, she had already gained 5 pounds! God of wonders, God of miracles. What a faithful God!


All of the little kids and even some much older call me Daddy William! She lives next door and spends more time with me than she does at home. All she has to do is say, “Daddy!” and she has me wrapped around her finger.

Do you have a difficult situation?
Have you already prayed?
Does it seem like God said no?

Think about the character of God portrayed in the Bible and believe in His goodness!

Also, God is looking for someone He can work with! Someone who has faith and is willing to be His ambassador.

God bless! Thank you so much for reading and voting!
Daddy William


Very touching. Our God is an awesome God!

He is Awesome Rod! And you have met Courtney! Healthy, smart and beautiful! God is so Good!

Really, miracles still works, but only by His name, the name that is greater above every other names in the whole universe. Jesus Christ is still the same yesterday today and forever. He never changes, His powers never fail. So happy for the victim. Thanks for sharing this testimony, it surely will build the faith of others to continue to hope in Christ Jesus.

Thank you for stopping by and commenting! God is always looking for someone who will believe Him and He loves to partner with this person to change the world for the glory and honor of Jesus Christ!
God bless!

What a beautiful baby you have, brother, may God bless you and your family, greetings from Venezuela.

Thank you! This is my niece. God bless!

It is that God raised the sick and awakens the dead, for nothing is impossible if we believe and trust only in the

Amen dear Sister! Thank you for your comments! Que Dios te bendiga!

Alone God makes the miracle of healing us, for nothing is impossible if we believe in the thanks for sharing this beautiful story and may God bless you always

Thank you for your sweet comments! I love being one of God’s own through Jesus Christ.
So glad to have met you here! God bless!

Our God is an Awesome God!

He alone is Awesome! Amen!

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