Adoption Philippines

My wife and I are full time missionaries in the Philippines. One day near a house we had to walk by on the way, we noticed this little boy in a plastic chair close to the road. This was a 7 motorcycle a day road, mostly people walking. Every day for a couple of weeks we would see him. Cute boy about 15 months old, no diaper, no smile. He was with his grandparents and they had already had the care of 2 or 3 grandkids at this time. I asked my wife to check with the grandparents to see if he could come stay with us for awhile. A day, a week, or more, at this time who knows!

Anyway they let us have him and we started to care for him like he was our own. He got regular baths, had a dry diaper, lots of food and lots of love and cuddles. Then it happened! I believe it was the 4th night, we were getting ready to sleep and he was in his usual spot between us on the bed. HE BEGAN TO SING! Such joy, bright smile, at the top of his lungs, singing! The were no intelligible words, but a real song of joy straight from the heart! I began to cry! My heart melted. I even prayed a dangerous prayer...”Lord, ”Give me 100 more just like him!”

Anyway he has remained with us for almost 3 years now. He is such a blessing and an incredible joy to our family! We love like he came from our own flesh and blood! The adoption process is long and costly! But our hopes are one day he will be officially our son. He is our son, but officially and legally, bearing our last name.

This is what God does with us! We are adopted into God’s family as we believe on Jesus!

Eph 1:5 Having predestinated us unto the adoption of children by Jesus Christ to himself, according to the good pleasure of his will,

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Roque! What a firecracker. Funny little boy...

Give him some chocolate and watch him fly!

Beautiful story, success in your adoption process.

I began to cry! My heart melted.

Your tears will be rewarded.

Take some imaginary @teardrops (smart media tokens). You can read about these special tokens Here!!!

Thank you for commenting! God bless!

God bless your Heart and your family. I believe that your labor in the lord shall not in vain.

Thank you! God bless!

Praying that one day we will meet. which part of the Philippines you live?

That would be great! We are in Mindanao!

Amazing story. I wish you 3 just the best!

Thank you! Where are you in the Philippines?

I am staying in Cebu :)

We were in Lapu Lapu a few months ago. I preached the Gospel in one of the malls!

oh really which mall?

I believe it was a Guisanao. There was a couple of coffee shops and a Handyman with a child play area next to it.

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