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Hello steemians, this is your friend @maxdevalue, today we’re going to see what the first book in the Bible says about love.

Love is a powerful word, most of us believe that this word love is the very reason for creation, our, existence is possible because of the word love.

Love appeared 3 (three) times in the book of Genesis, and today we’re going to look back at them to see the impact it made in people’s life, remember that these were men and women who lived thousands of years before us yet love impacted their lives and was recorded for our benefit.

First mentioned in Genesis 27:4

And make me savoury meat, such as I love, and bring it to me, that I may eat; that my soul may bless thee before I die.

This is the first place that the word love appeared in the Bible which happened to be in the book of Genesis.

In the above passage, we could see the power of love.

This is a story of a father and his child, Isaac was too old but he still understands what love can accomplish in a man, do you know that you can bless someone with your lips alone but not with your heart, it doesn’t matter how you say those words, that’s why when we say something out deeply from our hearts, both negative and positive things, they do happen most times.

Here, Isaac want his soul to bless his son, but how could he prompt his heart to bless if not by engaging the heart with what it loves.

The power of love was a secret that even his son Esau didn’t know, I call it ‘spiritual codes of conducts’, therefore, Isaac must have to let his son know about this, and he exposed the power of love to him.

Next time you want to receive a blessings from people, please do those rightful things that they love, when you do, it doesn’t matter the kind of persons they’re; even the souls of your enemies will bless you when you love them sincerely.

The word love mentioned for the second time in the book of Genesis 29:20

And Jacob served seven years for Rachel; and they seemed unto him but a few days, for the love he had to her.

With love all things are possible! This was exactly what the scriptures was saying about God, it says ‘God is love’, and in another place it says ‘with God all things are possible’, thus, we understand that God is love, and with love, all things are possible.

Here love reduced seven years to few days before Jacob, can you beat that? No wonder the bible says that thousands of years is like a day in God’s eyes. Because of love Jacob served seven years for someone he loved yet it seemed to him like few days.

Do you want people to go a long way with you in your life, cultivate love in there hearts!
When someone loves you, that’s God being with you! They could do unusual things to prove to you that humans are gods.

John 10:34-35 Jesus answered them, Is it not written in your law, I said, Ye are gods? If he called them gods, unto whom the word of God came, and the scripture cannot be broken;

Love appeared the third (3rd) time in the book of Genesis.

Genesis 29:32

And Leah conceived, and bare a son, and she called his name Reuben: for she said, Surely the Lord hath looked upon my affliction; now therefore my husband will love me.

Leah was the first wife to Jacob of who he received after serving
Laban for the first seven years which he served for Rachel, here, Leah gave thanks to God for giving her the strength and a gift of a son which was the heart desire of Jacob at that time, and she believed that having given his husband what he cherish most, that it’ll cause her husband to love her.

How many times have we thanked God for giving us an opportunity to cause love amongst people or for giving us the platform for helping others?

God is Love!

we are love also because we’re gods.

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Thanks to @gbenga and @jodipamungkas for this wonderful badge.

**Thank you for reading**


Love is the greatest asset that God use to bring sinners to Himself.So Genesis is love is a type of the love of God for man.Thanks for this post

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