Have you ever being accused by your friends?

image credited to google search

Hello beloved, it’s important we realize how complicated this life could be sometimes as this could also help us to understand better in handling or rather behaving ourselves in such conditions.

Life could turn so cruel against us, especially when we face denial, betrayed and being accused by our supposed friends and families, it goes further hurting, especially when we’re innocent of the accusations labeled against us.

In this writing, we’re going to look and try to understand how Jesus handled his own betrayal and rejection from his friends and families.

Luke 22:44 says

And being in an agony he (Jesus) prayed more earnestly: and his sweat was as it were great drops of blood falling down to the ground.

Why did all this happen? Jesus knew from the beginning of His ministry that He came to die for the sin of the world, but He also knew that on the third day He would raise from the dead.

Could He have been praying not to feel the excruciating pain meted out to Him by the trained hands of the Roman soldiers? These are all valid thoughts but there must have been something more.

On the Cross, after the denial and betrayal of Peter, after the mock trial at the hands of the Jews, after the inhuman treatment from the soldiers, after the trial at the hands of Pilate; after all these the Lord uttered these words in tongues to the Father "Jesus cried with a loud voice, saying, Eli, Eli, lama sabachthani?" It sounds more like another betrayal.

Why did Jesus weep so much? I'll tell us why. He wept so bitterly because He knew that for the first-time ever He was going to be separated from His Father.

He didn’t weep because of his friends denial and betrayal, not at all, even before the event, Jesus has forgiven them, because he came for that purpose, to die for his friends and his enemies alike.

Have you sacrificed much like Jesus, do you find it so difficult to forgive them that offend and betrayed you, why are you weeping?

If we must weep, there is only one situation that can warrant that, and we never allow such situations to arise at all, we should do our possible best to make sure we don’t end up in such situations.

This is why Jesus wept!

All through His life, He has always spoken about His oneness with His Father, how the Father hath not left Him alone; Jesus and His Father were seemingly inseparable. But for a few days, the Father was going to have to turn His back on His Son.

Jesus wept because He was going to be separated from the Father! Have we come to the place of such dependency on the Holy Spirit? This is what we should all strive to have in 2018; to know the meaning of fellowship with the Holy Spirit.

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Thanks to @gbenga and @jodipamungkas for this wonderful badge.

**Thank you for reading**


This message is just for me! This is a kind of condition that I currently had, wished I’d come in contact with a powerful tool like this, I could’ve done better than I did.

Thanks for sharing @maxdevalue

Oh, I’m sorry for the things you passed through, and I’m also grateful and happy that you found this article nice and helpful.

Thanks for commenting.

You nailed it dear. When I started reading it, I had no idea you would include the story of Jesus, but I am glad you did.

God bless you, this article really touched me... I would try to be like Jesus and not cry because of trusts that got betrayed

I’m glad you went through the post. Thanks for reading.

An amen for this ,yeah you're right ,the real you, the real me, is on the deepest of ourself,

You’re absolutely right, welcome.

Great insight on this!

Yea, thanks for stopping by.

These are some true life lessons

Thanks a lot, we should have a rethink over them.

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