in #christian-trail6 years ago

IMG_20180621_102011.jpgImitate those who through faith and patience inherit the promises(Hebrews 6:12). King David is an example of one who through faith and patience inherited God's promise for his life. When Samuel the prophet came to David’s house to pick Israel’s next king, David wasn’t considered. But God chose him anyway. His plan for David involved years of serving Saul, living in caves as a fugitive;

...and working with six hundred distressed men whom society had cast out. David was anointed king in his teens, but he didn’t take the throne until he was thirty. God trains you through the difficulties you experience so you can handle the assignment He has in mind for you. So be patient(patience means standing firm under pressure). God’s doing a work of preparation in your life so you’ll be ready when your time comes.

Many of us who are saved in most cases we face difficulties and they make our faith weakened.
Instead on believing in the lord sometimes we start playing the question ing game with God of "why me lord?".
Forgetting that God gives us these hardships so that we can stay strong in Him and to prepare us for greater tomorrow.

Let us be patient in the lord.put our eyes to Him and not focus on what we go through.
He knows our tomorrows and our future is in His hands.
Have hope,keep your faith in Him and continue praising Him in every situation.
He is king.

Gods gal


God got us from before he was born, and the plan he has for each one of us is written in the book of life, with periods and commas, with descents and ascents, God writes straight in crooked lines. Let's put everything in his hands, HE will know how to act.

Everything is in his mighty hands

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