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in #christian-trail5 years ago (edited)

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Romans 14:4 (KJV)
Who art thou that judgest another man’s servant? to his own master he standeth or falleth. Yea, he shall be holden up: for God is able to make him stand.

Years ago, a preacher friend of mine and I, went to receive advice from another man of God. My friend and I were seeking the will of the Lord about a thing and my friend desired some other voices on the subject. I will never forget the opening remarks of the man of God we went to see. He said that he had learned long ago that he could not know the will of God for another man.

Though I do remember the outcome of the thing my friend and I were praying about, I do not recall the man of God’s actual advice. I am not sure he even gave any.

What I learned was this. Even as a man of God, even as a preacher, I cannot know and therefore cannot judge another servant of the Lord. I may counsel, pray and even warn. But I am not the judge to decide the will of God for another man.

It’s a dangerous thing whenever a Christian presumes to know the will of God for someone else.

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Romans 14:4 (KJV) Who Art Thou?

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Marvin Feb 5 2019 HBBC cropped.jpg


Too often this is thought to mean that we should never criticize the behavior of another. We shouldn't condemn anyone but we need to be salt and light. And not be afraid to confront sin when we see it.

While I think I understand what you mean, and probably agree, I'll bet you have enough sin in yourself to spend a lifetime confronting. :-)
I Christians would aggressively deal with their own sins, mortifying them daily and putting on the Lord Jesus Christ, they would have much less time to "confront sin when they see it" and be much more effective when they did.

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