Communism Is Sin

in #christian-trail6 years ago


Proverbs 1:14 (KJV)
Cast in thy lot among us; let us all have one purse:

Albert Barnes calls this verse “a wild communism.” Those of the world have always had their hopes of peace through communism.
Nimrod attempted it through his tower
The believers attempted it in the early church at Jerusalem
The Puritans tried it again at Plymouth
Socialist/Communist governments have killed for it
The hippies of the sixties lived it and
The liberals politic for it

This Proverb warms us to avoid it, classifies it as a temptation of sin and provides for us at least one reason it will never work, greed.

The corrupted human nature can never really avoid this condition. We will forever wish to better ourselves over others. The “one purse” pattern breeds either:
Laziness in people who do nothing or the bare minimum and cause the economy to fail or else
Cheat the system to have an unfair share of the purse

Communism then devolves into what we have seen it become over and over, a small group of people ruling as despots over masses of impoverished people.

There are always people pushing a communist agenda. The Proverbs calls them sinners and warns us not to consent to them.

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Proverbs 1:14 (KJV) Communism Is Sin

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