Racist Lawyer and Time Magazine Writer Blames White Males for Mass Shootings

in #christian-trail7 years ago (edited)

Frankly, this is just gross and I wish I was exaggerating. Actually, I wish I was entirely making this up. But no, this is the world of double-standards we live in today.

Recently, lawyer and Time Magazine writer Jill Filipovic wrote an article entitled "One Undeniable Factor In Gun Violence: Men" in which she blames white, conservative, men for all the world's problems. Seriously.

The article can be read here: http://time.com/4968842/one-undeniable-factor-in-gun-violence-men/

Here are some of the more colorful and enlightening comments, quoted from the article, Filipovic has to offer the world:

"But the reality of American men and guns is as much about a hyper-masculine fetishization of murder-toys as it is about tribal identity, a deepening identification of self and clan that radicalizes marginal views and magnifies personal entitlement and social distrust."

"The gun is simply the (extremely literal) external symbol of the underlying ideology: White male power comes through physical domination."

"This ecosystem would whither without white male entitlement, rage, and fear, and without the political and economic forces that exploit and encourage that fear."

Here are the titles to a few more of Filipovic's articles from Time:

"The Revenge of the White Man"

"How Men Behaving Badly Have Held Hillary Clinton Back"

"Break Up With That Trump Supporter"

Notice a pattern? More can be found here: http://time.com/author/jill-filipovic/

As stated before, it is my personal opinion this is gross, incredibly biased, and downright racist. This isn't Vox, BuzzFeed, or some other completely anti-conservative website disguising itself as news. This is Time Magazine. It seems all integrity has fled left-leaning journalism in the 21st century.

In order to guide you, the reader, through my thought process in why I have the opinion this individual subscribes to racism and, therefore, is a racist, here is the definition of "racism" from http://www.dictionary.com/browse/racism


[rey-siz-uh m]

1. a belief or doctrine that inherent differences among the various human racial groups determine cultural or individual achievement, usually involving the idea that one's own race is superior and has the right to dominate others or that a particular racial group is inferior to the others.
2. a policy, system of government, etc., based upon or fostering such a doctrine; discrimination.
3. hatred or intolerance of another race or other races.

I believe Filipovic's quotes and article titles above fit into this definition.

To comment and offer my opinion on the original article in question, there is something deeply flawed here. I don't think Jill Filipovic has ever actually met a white male conservative. A "gun hoarder" is defined in this article as someone having five or more guns.

I personally have never felt more safe then when around "gun hoarders." I love them. I love that I work and live in an environment where pretty much everyone is a gun hoarder. It's unfortunate to say, but compared against a lot of what passes as journalism today, the seething hatred for white male conservatives in this article is pretty tame. Maybe I'm just old fashioned, but I believe facts should be facts and people should be judged by the content of their character and not on the color of their skin, their gender, their religion, nor their political affiliation.

I suppose though, to Jill Filipovic and those who put race, gender, and politics above all else, my opinion isn't as valid because I am a privileged, white, conservative, Trump-supporting, Christian, male. What a load of garbage. Regardless what others might say, we live in the best country with the most freedom in the world, and I, for one, wouldn't want to live anywhere else.

This character Filipovic and others have created of the angry, white, sexist, racist, hateful, egotistical, dangerously conservative male doesn't actually exist in America and, on the rare occasion someone even remotely like that pops up, no one (liberals and conservatives) likes it. Look at Richard Spencer, everyone hates that guy. When that failure of a neo-nazi march took place, half the country didn't cheer it on, everyone thought it was stupid. The Vegas shooter received zero support and everyone (including white, male, conservative, gun hoarders) thought of him as an absolute monster. No one mourned his death.

I, for one, am not going to let Time Magazine alter my perception of reality and neither should any of you. I'd rather let actual facts do that. Jill Filipovic might not appreciate the people and freedoms this country has to offer, but I and my "angry, gun hoarding" friends certainly do.

Grow up Jill, you live in the best country in the world where you actually have the freedom to write this trash, I have the freedom to tell you it sucks, and we both have the freedom to disagree with each other. America is awesome!

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Josh Peck

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What a interesting piece of writing you shared .. keep on @joshpeck

Thank you, very much appreciated :)

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Good read, well done !

Thank you :)