Ancient Wisdom: The Book of Ahikar Part Seventeen

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The Book of Ahikar is a wisdom book from ancient times. It is closely associated with the Bible. Much to learn from this precious treasure from history.

The Book of Ahikar Part Seventeen

Click below for the earlier parts to this story:

Part one
Part two
Part three
Part four
Part five
Part six
Part seven
Part eight
Part nine
Part ten
Part eleven
Part twelve
Part thirteen
Part fourteen
Part fifteen
Part sixteen

Background for the Story of Ahikar

This book tells the story of Ahikar, adviser for Sennacherib, king of Assyria. He is considered very wise, but he was growing old and had no son to succeed him. He raised his sister's son Nadan as his replacement, but he turns out to be treacherous and wicked. Nadan tricked the king to believe that Ahikar had betrayed him and Sennacherib, king of Assyria had Ahikar executed. However by the wisdom of Ahikar and with the favor of the Most High, Ahikar was spared and his death was faked. Now king Sennacherib has repented of killing Ahikar and is in need of a wise adviser for his kingdom. Pharaoh of Egypt is attempting to take advantage of this situation by demanding some answers to impossible riddles. It is revealed that Ahikar is still alive and he regains his position as adviser to Sennacherib.

The Book of Tobit

There is another book connected with the Book of Ahikar, The Book of Tobit, which also speaks also of the exile in Assyria. Tobit was of the tribe of Naphtali, a Hebrew.

This book tells the story of Tobit, son of Tobiel, son of Hananiel, son of Aduel, son of Gabael, son of Raphael, son of Raguel, of the family of Asiel and the tribe of Naphtali. Tobit 1:1

The book of Tobit contains elements from the Book of Ahikar and mentions Ahikar and his son Nadan by name. Clearly the author of Tobit was familiar with the story of Ahikar, since the text of Tobit lists Ahikar as being the nephew of Tobit.

Ahikar the son of my brother Anael, was appointed chancellor of the exchequer for the kingdom and given the main ordering of affairs. Ahikar then interceded for me and I was allowed to return to Nineveh, since Ahikar had been chief cupbearer, keeper of the signet, administrator and treasurer under Sennacherib king of Assyria, and Esarhaddon had kept him in office. He was a relation of mine; he was my nephew. Tobit 1:21-22

The book of Tobit can be read here.
The book of Ahikar can be read here.

Previously in the Story of Ahikar

Ahikar is back in the service of Sennacherib. He's taking a break to get some color to his skin and get tidied up. And probably think of a way of answering Pharaoh's riddles. Let's see what he comes up with. How does one build a castle between Heaven and earth?

Here resumes the story of Ahikar.

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Ahikar is Back in Business

The people of Ahikar's household rejoiced with him and his friends and everyone who heard that he was alive rejoiced also. And Ahikar did as the king commanded him and took a rest for forty days. Then he dressed himself in his best dress and went riding to the king with his servants behind him and before him, rejoicing and delighted.

But when Nadan (his sister's son) saw what was happening, fear and terror took hold of him. He was perplexed and didn't know what to do.

After Ahikar saw that Nadan was terrorized, he entered into the king's presence and greeted him. The king returned the greeting and made Ahikar sit down at his right side. The king said to him:

"My wonderful Ahikar, behold these letters which the king of Egypt sent to us after he heard that you were slain. They have provoked us and overcome us. Many of the people of our country have fled to Egypt, fearing the taxes that the king of Egypt has sent to demand from us."

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Then Ahikar took the letter and read it:

My beloved brother, King Sennacherib, may I remind you of the peace and the health and the might and the honor which we wish especially for you. I have been desiring to build a castle between the heavens and the earth and I want you to send me a wise, clever man from yourself to build it for me and to answer all my questions for me and that I may have the taxes and the custom duties of Assyria for three years.

And Ahikar understood all of it's contents. Then he said to the king:

"Do not be angry, my master. I will go to Egypt and I will return the answers to Pharaoh and I will display this letter to him and I will reply to him about the taxes. For the happiness of your kingdom, I will send back all those who have run away and I will put your enemies to shame - all with the help of the Most High God."

And when the king heard this speech from Ahikar, he rejoiced with a great joy and his heart was expanded and he showed him great favor. And Ahikar said to the king:

"Grant me a delay of forty days that I may consider this question and manage it." And the king permitted this.

This concludes this portion of the Story of Ahikar.

Ahikar Has a Plan

This wise man Ahikar is about to do the impossible - build a castle between Heaven and earth. How will he impress Pharaoh with his wisdom? How will he answer his riddles? Let's find out as the story unfolds!

Bless the Name of the Most High in fear and reverence, that He may receive glory among the nations.


Benjamin Turner: God fearer. Rooted in Messiah. Husband of @lturner. Father of four wonderful children. The guy behind the camera. Steemit enthusiast.

Bless the Most High!

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wow I have no idea how Ahikar is going to handle this with the pharaoh this should be interesting to see!
I love this story!

He's going to have to get inventive, that's for sure! @ironshield

Nothing happened in this chapter... Maybe tomorrow...

I think stories in ancient times didn't have as dramatic of plot twists and turns. More like a pleasant drive than a rollercoaster! Next installment, we'll find out Ahikar's solution to Pharaoh's riddle. @ironshield

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