If you want to prosper this year, don’t do these six things!

in #christian-trail7 years ago (edited)

Do you want to experience God this year?


Then, don't do this six things

Image source: Google

1. Don't reduce God to the things you have not experienced

That you have not experienced it doesn't mean He is not that.

2. Don't reduce God to the limitations of your past

3. Don't reduce God to the size of your pocket

Whether rich or poor, your pocket is not all there is to what God can do for or through you.

If He has to, God will bring out money from the fishes' mouths.

Image source: Google

4. Don't reduce God to what you know.

There are dimensions of God that are far beyond what you mind can conceptualise. May you experience that.

There is a view beyond what is within your view of sight.

Do not trust in your own understanding!

5. Don't reduce God to the notion of others

Whose report with you believe? God's or men's?

6. Don't reduce God to the opinion of experts

There is something about God that even so called experts don't know.

Could any experts have guessed Sarah at 90 would bear a child?

Even experts can be wrong. Only God's Word is infallible.

The Bible is not a complimentary card! It is God's Power to do great wonders.

(Words from the mouth of my Mentor).

Follow me @idowu-kunlere


True insights. We cannot afford to reduce God to our imagination. Spiritual truths are slippery in nature that's why the scripture says faith comes by hearing and hearing. It is what you discover in the light that you will dispense in the darkness when such times come. Good post.

Wow. Thank you for sharing this.

Good one, thanks

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