Love & Marriage 64 - My spouse is an alcoholic/addict!! Part 1

in #christian-trail7 years ago (edited)

I am sharing the thoughts out the book of Dr. Stephen Schwambach, "Tough Talk to a stubborn spouse"

In a sense, your life might be a living hell. Your spouse will repeatedly lie to you, deceive you, betray you and if you allow it to happen, destroy you. What is worse your future is totally bleak, you have no hope and alcoholism/addiction does not get any better, it just gets worse and worse.

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No wonder you feel like you can't take it anymore and that you have no other choice but to get a divorce. I hope you can tell that I feel what you feel, I share your agony, your helpless plight and when I dwell upon what your mate has done to you, there is a rising fury inside me, I hate what your spouse is doing to you!

There is only one emotion within me that is stronger than hate for your spouse's actions and that is pity for spouse's plight.
Your spouse may be despicable but he/she is also utterly pathetic. You will maybe get angry at my words but you need to hear it, your spouse is deserving of even more pity than you are.

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Let me explain, as bad as you're suffering is, you still have your wits about you, a horrible as your pain is, you can still escape. But your spouse is trapped. Your spouse has dug his or her grave so deep that there is no way he can climb out under his own power. It may appear that your spouse does not want to climb out but that is not so. It is simply that your spouse no longer believes it is possible.

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Unknown to you, your spouse has privately sworn ten thousand times that this is the last bottle he will ever drink.... that this is the last line of coke he will ever snort. But as soon as the shakes hit and the terror starts, his awesome addictions picks him up off his feet and hurls him against the wall with its full force, until he has no will, no pride, no decency and no intelligent thought left. Gotta have it! Gotta have it! is the only voice he hears, and it is screaming so loudly in his ears that it drowns out every other message in the world.

To be continued....

Thank you for reading, please come back tomorrow.....

Source: Dr. Stephen Schwambach, Tough Talk to a stubborn spouse, Harvest House Publishers
Images: freepik, pixabay


My personalized emoji with compliments of @readallaboutit


Thank you for sharing @hope777. Many people feel stuck in their relationships for various reasons. Its not selfish to love yourself and not allow your partner to abuse you. Its all about boundries and sometimes the best thing you can do for you and your partner is to leave

Thank you for reading and your comment! I appreciate!

I have seen this many times.
All I can add is: You don't have to be a victim.
I know of a woman that was married to an alcoholic for 27 years and finally got rid of the loser only to get into another relationship with someone who was just the same. That is a person who plays the victim.
...upvoted and resteemed

Thank you @acwood for reading, commenting and the resteem. Appreciated.

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