Love & Marriage 189 - 7 Types of Trust that you need in your marriage

in #christian-trail6 years ago

When you talk about trust in a marriage the first thing that comes to mind is to be faithful to your spouse. But there is so much more about trust. One of the key components in a marriage is trust, it is a part of every aspect of your relationship. Trust is something that is earned and build up over time in a marriage and it should be valued, protected and enjoyed.
Trust is such a key component to a marriage. It is woven into the very fiber of every aspect of the relationship, which is why it is something that should be valued, protected, and enjoyed.

Trust is a must in a relationship.

There are 7 types of Trust in your relationship or marriage, which are

The most common one: Sexual faithfulness

Both spouses should know that you are number one in your marriage and that your partner value you enough to never think about cheating on one another. This also entails that both partners will look out for their marriage and not place themselves in situations where the temptation to cheat will be easy. Be careful where you look, what you say, and how emotionally connect with the opposite sex.

Trust that testifies to your character

Honesty in a relationship is often a difficult matter. There are many men who still believe that to prove your masculinity you occasionally tell your wife a white lie or just tell half a truth or maybe just don't tell your spouse about something at all. The guy's joke about this between themselves. But a trustful spouse knows better and know that full honesty is essential for marriage to be a happy marriage. If you start to not being truthful before you wipe your eyes out, small untruths are big lies. Of course, the openness and honesty, applies to both sides, even if you do not want to share those big purchases with your partner you really should. It will build trust.

Trust that makes you feel safe

Every spouse is entitled to know that you can trust your partner not to hurt you, not emotionally not verbally and not physically. Trust thrives in an atmosphere of love and security, which means, for example, that your partner will protect your image and not say something demeaning about you in a company that will hurt you or make fun of you. If you do this it will create fear and undermine trust in your marriage. Where there is physical, verbal or emotional abuse there will be no trust and it is unacceptable in a marriage.

Unconditional trust

There must be mutual trust that you love each other without conditions, in other words, you must know that your spouse's love does not go away once you gain 10kg or get into a financial trouble or lose the use of your legs. It, also means you have the freedom to express your opinions and to disagree without fear that you will be rejected if you say what you have in your heart.

Trust that reassures you

It is the Trust that involves knowing that your partner is a man or woman of his/her word. If he says he will be there, he is there, when he promises to take your car for a service, you do not need to ask him again, he will do it. If she said she was going to pay the bill then you know it's paid. This means you can trust each other fully.
This is the type of trust you see in the little things, but what you know, because it is such an integral part of your mate's character, it also applies to the bigger things.

Trust that makes you feel comfortable

If you and your partner are married, the chance is that you have merged your finances or even that your partner may sustain you financially. This takes a lot of trust. There are women who trust their husbands so much that they have no idea what is their household income or what their spouse is investing in. To trust someone with your financial security for many is very difficult but if you know your husband or wife is responsible and that he or she has only your best interests at heart it's a no-brainer. Although this is not something that I would advise. Money is one of the biggest reasons for divorce and my suggestion is that couples should both be involved in drawing up budgets and know what is going on with your finances.

Trust that makes you calm

There are women and men who have to walk on eggs in their marriage. Their mood is moderate for one moment, but the next moment something happens, like stepping onto a toy, and then your spouse go into a rage that is not justified. When you are married to such a mate you are likely to experience ongoing underlying tension because you do not know how your partner will act from moment to moment. He or she will fight with you about not getting time to wash the dishes or even be angry about a dream you had. Yes, you want excitement in your marriage but emotional predictability is very valuable in a healthy marriage. You should be trustworthy in the way you manage your emotions and your spouse should feel calm and protected and not fear your emotions. This is called emotional intelligence.

Where there is trust there is a total openness and freedom. You will experience all of the seven types of trust above. Trust allows you to build brick after brick on the foundation of your relationship and marriage. Making for a very strong foundation that will withstand storms and up and downs of life and treasure all the sunny days. Don't let your trust be broken, protect the trust in your marriage with everything in you.

Next post: But the trust was broken, what now?


Images: except where otherwise indicated.

Thank you for reading.



Honesty is very important in a marriage but any information that will cause strain and dampen the trust in the relationship should be left unsaid. Talking from experience

Yes, trust is most important aspect for sure and if trust diminishes then for sure any relationship will not going to find the base and base of relationship is really vital and that base created through the trust.

And if we see situations in current practical world, everyone's life became so fast that most of the people never keep trust in fast moving life in my opinion. So expand the trust through your actions and live great and beautiful relationship.

Wishing you an great day and stay blessed. 🙂

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