RE: Bible Study Devotional: What you didn’t know about the Gospel of John! John 1:1-2
Great work in presenting the Book of John to have re-newed and expounded the first book of Moses called Genesis. Yes, it is a Living Bible that the Word breaths in life giving meanings to those who will come to the Water to drink the living Water.
In these last days that are a mirror to the books of the Prophets in the old Testament Numerous books that show the reflections and patterns to be seen in the times of the Babylonian captivity and the results of great sin and falling away of God's people in 580's BC.
Many churches now are apostate and falling away by inclusiveness of worldly music and activities and techniques added to preaching. Some churches are using grand healing to attract the multitudes, or a tickling of the ears (trying to provide an easy and worldly Word to promote prosperity) Or to be as to include all religions and beliefs together as one happy family to only agree that there is "a supreme being" .
Then it was said in a sermon by Jacob Prasch that all country's and kingdoms who mistreated the Jews or Christians have all suffered the same fate and no longer are in power. The Egyptians, Syrians, Babylonians, British, Spanish, and Russia. It is just one more proof not only that the signs of our day mirror the prophecies, but that country's that struck at Gods people have suffered, yet Jews are where they are supposed to be in our day. They have lasted. Jews are hated by and always been hated, by many. But, is it not amazing that the people that will hate them, serve and love The Jewish God Jehovah and the Jewish Son of God, Jesus. There are too many things that people just don't want to see that are blatant truths that prove that there is a God and that we are if we only will believe in Christ, shall live eternally with HIM.