Inspiration Today With Asian George

That your faith should not stand in the wisdom of men, but in the power of God. 1 Corinthians2:5


Man's wisdom is limited to what is seen, touched, perceived, felt or tasted. There's so much limitations to the natural man because not everything can be accessed in the realm of senses. For example, the events of the next minute is beyond human knowledge, judging by senses. This is where the line is drawn between the physical and spiritual, the seen and the unseen. It's impossible to have faith in God while depending on what the physical appearance of things can offer. This is why I bring you good news today: God has release the power to believe in Him, even when nothing is working in the physical. This is possible because our faith in Christ is not a product of human wisdom, but of the power of the Almighty God. You don't have to understand 'how' before you believe 'what' He's able to do. Our relationship with God is only strong when we choose to believe that He's able to do exceedingly, abundantly above what we can imagine.

Don't limit God in your life by relying on what you can imagine. There's a realm that surpasses human imaginations. There's a realm that the thoughts or reasoning of man can't attend. It's the realm of the power of God. That's the realm that houses our faith. Arise and rejoice, for God is too big, kind, loving and merciful to be figured out by man's wisdom. Shift your focus from what's available and just trust God.


Let's pray together. Dear heavenly Father, thank you for the demonstration of your power in us. Today we lay aside every human wisdom that limited us before now and we walk in your wisdom and power forever, in Jesus name. Amen.


Wow....we all need the prayers of those we love...Amen and Amen..thanks for the blessings..upped

Amen. Thanks for your comment.

Powerful, God's ability and power to perform is beyond human comprehension. By strength shall no man prevail.

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