The Love.

in #christian-trail6 years ago

Love is the greatest commandment because when you love you are able to forgive those who have wronged you. Jesus was able to forgive those who killed them because he is a symbol of love and that love was what he came to make us understand by dying on the cross for us.

But God has shown us how much he loves us, it was while we were still sinners that Christ died for us- Romans 5:8

That is why we have to forgive those who wrong us because they are used as corrective measures to us by God on earth. It is necessary that we do this because when we forgive others God does not count their sins and when we ask God directly for forgiveness He forgives us also because we have forgiven those who wrong us.

Be tolerant with one another  and forgive one another when ever any of you has complaint against someone else. You must forgive one another just as the lord has forgiven you.- Colossians 3:13.

The Holy Spirit gives his gifts which are wisdom, knowledge, understanding, counsel, fortutitude, piety me fear of God. These helps to bear the fruits of the holy  spirit which are love, joy , peace, patience, kindness, goodness ,faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. With these we can  ask of anything in the name of Jesus and we are sure to receive, get or have doors of favors opened unto us.

But then, when we cut out from Him, we can do nothing. Remember that in all you do with Christ, you are never alone. He promised to sustain those who believes in Him since we are the branches; He, The true vine and God the vine dresser. Only through this means can we bear fruits. Abide in His word.

I remain yours @ gloglo. Thank you for reading.

Image credite : GOGGLE


love conquers all

Thanks for reminding us about the greatest commandment.

The pleasure is all mine dear. Thank you .

Great article as always from@gloglo
Love is the very foundation of Christianity properly demonstrated by God ,Himself.Its a pity most Christians fall back based on this commandment.

All humans crave for love, no marriage, family, friendship can thrive without love. It stands to reason, therefore, that love is essential for our spiritual, physical and mental well-being. Thanks for this spiritual diet, love is a perfect bond of union whether with God or human. It was same love that prompted me to check your blog and I met this. lol.

God has shown us the way to love and forgive through Christ. Not that we deserve it but He gave us the free gift of salvation by the sacrifice of His only begotten son. Jesus summed up the entire laws given to Moses by saying Love your neighnour as thyself and you cannot claim to love a God that you have not seen when you abhor hate for your neighbour. Stay blessed.

With these we can ask of anything in the name of Jesus and we are sure to receive

I am happy this is resounded. As it is one of the assurances in the Holy Scriptures, that whatsoever we ask in His name, we receive .

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