The Incorrupt Heart of St. Padre Pio

in #christian-trail6 years ago (edited)


The incorrupt heart of St. Pio, more widely known as Padre Pio, came to our place in Davao City, Philippines. The relic was exposed to the public for veneration. Many devout Catholics lined up for hours everyday, and yesterday not even the pouring rain deterred them from their purpose. My wife and I also went there last night but were unprepared for the long line that went on interminably through two or maybe three blocks from the church. A friend who worked at the cathedral where it was being exposed suggested we come back at two in the morning as it was the best chance we had to avoid the hordes of people coming and going to the church. It would also ensure us a quiet time to spend in prayer and thankfully that's exactly what happened.

Inside the church, as we walked towards the relic I could feel an awesome silence and reverence for the great saint by the people sitting quietly in their pews.


St. Pio's heart was enclosed in a smallish lightly frosted glass case mounted on a beautiful silver stand. What an incredible experience it was to gaze at his heart and wonder at this miracle wrought by God! Could there be anything more glorious than to be accorded this privilege? Thinking about St. Pio's life has made me realize that doing the will of God is what we must fulfill in our lives here on earth. This miracle of St. Padre Pio's incorrupt heart is a testimony to his faith and the mercy of God who lifts us up from our abject misery and nothingness when we allow Him to act in us. God has shown us that in His love for us He makes it possible to transform a creature made of dust to a being of infinite beauty and glory.

St. Pio has given us inspiration not only by the kind of life he has led but by his words that offer solace, hope and joy to his followers. Here are some of his often quoted words. May they inspire you and bring you comfort.

Pray, hope and don't worry. Worry is useless. God is merciful and will hear your prayer.

And everyday, when your heart especially feels the loneliness of life, PRAY.

Prayer is the best weapon we have; it is the key to God's heart. You must speak to Jesus not only with your lips, but with your heart. In fact on certain occasions you should only speak to Him with your heart.

What have you to fear? Are you afraid of the divine Craftsman who wants to perfect His masterpiece in this way?

Continue to be patient; it will all be for your good.

For more St. Padre Pio quotes Click here.

To end this post, let me just share with you something about the biblical nature of relics as shown below in a photo caption shared to me in my FB page.


Let us all continue to be inspired to do God's will here on earth. God's blessings be upon you.


Hi...any references for the content? Your images are so they're ok. Cheers.

Thanks for visiting. I'm not quite sure what you mean by "references for the content" but I'm thinking it's for the various quotes of Padre Pio that were mentioned above. There's a site I checked Click here all about St. Padre Pio quotes from Pixabay.

Cheers to you as well. Hope I answered your concern.

Yeah..inclusion of your references to your post would be great...links of where you copied your quotes or any content you copied elsewhere for your posts to be upvoted. Cheers.

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