A Prayer For You


This image was shared and posted on my FB page and I thanked the person who shared this from the bottom of my heart that he offered a prayer for me. And I thought I would share this with you here in Steemit. I know some of you are in need of prayers right now to help you get through a difficult problem - sickness, money matters, relationship challenges, and lonelines. I offer this post and my prayer to all of you that God, in His divine and unfathomable mercy, grant relief and solace to you in your moment of grief and anxiety. May He bless you with the strength to bear your sufferings so that you may overcome all your difficulties and cares. St. Francis de Sales reminds us so wonderfully that we should not look forward to the trials and crosses of this life with dread and fear. Rather, look to them with full confidence that, as they arise, God, to Whom we belong, will deliver us from them.


"God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble." Psalm 46:1

And for those of you who are blessed, with no immediate challenges and worries do remember to pray for others that the Lord will be pleased with you. We are always exhorted to pray for one another and give thanks to God in times of sorrow and joy. St. Faustina knows the importance of intercessory prayers and reminds us dearly not to forget to pray for those who need our intervention.

When the LORD became angry with Job's friends for not speaking truthfully about Him, Job offered prayers for them as he was asked to by God and the Lord listened to him with favour and excused their folly . Job 42:10


May the Spirit of the Lord be with you always.

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