Who is like you, O Lord, among the gods?

This quote from Exodus 15:11 asks a very important question that many modern Christians don't even think about. It's more common for us modern, especially western Christians to dismiss the idea of other gods as figments of the imagination of ancient pagans.

The bible spends a lot of time talking about these gods, though. Both the New and Old Testaments have much to say about them, and lots of it gets misinterpreted these days. We like to think that there's nothing supernatural going on besides our God, but that's not what the Bible has to say about it.

Dr. Michael Heiser is a world renown biblical scholar who has made his life's work explaining scholarly research into the bible to lay people. Here's a couple of videos he made explaining what the bible teaches about "gods."

Part 2

If you're into learning about the Bible, especially Old Testament stuff, you can lose yourself on his website for days:) Check it out at drmsh.com

He also has an excellent podcast called The Naked Bible Podcast, for anyone interested.


This is a great blog entry. Tried to Resteem but it’s past it’s time?

Thanks, I will check it out. Keep sharing. Knowledge is power.

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