Bible stories for kids 12 - Isaac, Jacob and Esau

Genesis 27:1-40

Jacob and Esau's father Isaac became so old that he could not see anymore. He had to touch Jacob and Esau to know who is who.

One day Isaac told Esau. My son, I'm already a very old man and I do not know when I will die. But before I die, I want to eat a nice piece of venison again. Please take your bow and arrow and shoot me a nice piece of game. Then you have to cook it for me as always. So I can bless you as soon as I have finished eating. So Esau went out in the field to hunt.
What Easu did not know was that his mother had heard everything his father told him.

Rebecca ran quickly to her favourite son Jacob and told him everything she had heard. She said to Jacob, Your father is about to give your brother his blessing and I want you to have it instead.
She told Jacob to went quickly to their goats and to bring her two fat young ones so that she can prepare it the way his father loves to eat it. But Jacob said to his mother. My brother Esau is a hairy man. What if my father touches me and realizes that I'm not Esau?
His mother said to him, Don't worry you can wear your brother's clothes and then we can put the goat hair on your hands and neck so that your father will not know that you are Jacob. Just listen to me and bring the goats. He caught the goats and brought it to his mother, and she prepared them well as his father liked it. Then, she dresses him in Esau's clothes and took the goats hair and put it around his hands and his neck. Just as they planned it.

Then his mother gave him the food and also freshly baked bread and he took it to his dad and he said, Father? And his father ask Who is this, Esau or Jacob? And Jacob lied and said to his father, it is me your oldest son Esau, I made as father said. Sit up and eat the game meat. Then father can bless me. But Isaac asked, How is it possible. that you could do it so soon, my son? Jacob lied again. The Lord your God has provided it so soon. Isaac said to his son
Come a little, closer that I can feel your hands to make sure you are really Esau. Jacob stood closer to his father. His father felt his hands and said Your voice sounds like Jacob's, but your hands are those of Esau. Then his father asked him again are you really Esau and Jacob chose to lie again, Of course, Father!

Then his father said, Bring me the meat so that I can eat it. Then I'll give you my blessing. Jacob brought it to him and his father ate. While his father was eating Jacob also gave him some wine to drank. Then Isaac said to him. Son, come near and kiss me.

So Jacob went to his father and kissed him. When Isaac smelled Esau’s clothes, he blessed him with this blessing:

“My son smells like the fields
the Lord has blessed.
28 May God give you plenty of rain,
good crops, and wine.
29 May the nations serve you
and many people bow down to you.
You will rule over your brothers.
Your mother’s sons will bow down to you and obey you.
Whoever curses you will be cursed.
Whoever blesses you will be blessed.” (Genesis 27:27-29)

Just as Jacob finished getting the blessing he thought he heard Esau coming so he quickly ran out the back of the tent. Esau entered the tent with the food he had prepared for his father and said Father, I am back. Get up and eat the meat from the animal that I killed for you. Then you can bless me. But his Father said to him, Who are you? He answered, I am your son—your first son—Esau.

Then Isaac became so upset that he began to shake. He said, Then who was it that cooked and brought me food before you came? I ate it all, and I blessed him. Esau said, to his father that can only be Jacob. That is the right name for him. He has tricked me twice. He took away my rights as the firstborn son. And now he has taken away my blessing. Then Esau said, Have father saved any blessing for me? Isaac answered, I have already given Jacob the power to rule over you. And I said all his brothers would be his servants. Esau begged his father to bless him too and said father do you have only one blessing?

Esau started to cry and Jacob blessed Esau with this blessing:

“You will not live on good land.
You will not have much rain.
40 You will have to fight to live,
and you will be a slave to your brother.
But when you fight to be free,
you will break away from his control.” (Genesis 27:39)

Sources: ERV Holy Bible - easy to read Bible, New King James Bible (NKJV), New International Version (NIV)

Thank you for reading.


Lovely story, well organized, interesting bible story.

It is interesting to know that our lives are already programmed by our creator according to how it pleased him, it only needs to play out in times.

Keep the good work up @forgodsglory

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Good ole Jacob the heal grabbing supplanter! Great and easy to comprehend!

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