Eagle eye

According to a research, it was said that the eagle eye is among the strongest in the animal kingdom, with an eyesight estimated at 4 to 8 times stronger than the average human. Meaning that what a man can see clearly at 20 feet, an eagle can see it with the same crystal clearness at 100 feet away. Also an eagle is said to be able to sight its prey 3.2km away.

In addition to eagles, other birds such as hawks, falcons and robins has extraordinary vision to gather their prey easily. One of the prominent features of eagles' eyes are the colour vision with resolution and clarity. These features enable them to identify their prey with different colours and locate them.

Regardless of the effectiveness and sharpness of the eagle's eyes, it can't see the invincible. It can only see visible objects of certain, defined at measurable or calculated distance.

Notwithstanding there's an eye that covers all the nooks and cranny of the universe and planets. He sees through every thick and darkness of the heart of man. It is the eye of God. The eyes that do not sleep nor slumber. He can see through to the depth of sea and hideous places of the earth. "The eyes of the Lord are in every place, beholding the evil and the good (Proverbs 15:3)".

With God there's no hiding place neither is there any secret before Him. The darkness cannot hide Him. He sees everything and puts them down for the day of reckoning when every human being will be judged.

Because He did not react to evil deeds and wickedness does not mean He did not see them. He's just been patient and showing mercy. "Because sentence against an evil work was not executed speedily, therefore the heart of the sons of man is fully set in them to do evil" (Ecclesiastes 8:11).

Because 'the ways of man are before the eyes of the Lord and he pondereth all his goings(Proverbs 5:21)". Therefore let everyone that's alive fear to do evil and commit sin.

Watch out for the eyes of God!!!

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