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Very nice!

Despite not being a Christian, It is always good to see folks spreading the word of God as I believe there are truths to be found in the Bible. I have a serious question though that I have a hard time getting an answer to. In Genesis 1:26 God says:

'Let us make man in our own image, in the likeness of ourselves, and let them be masters of the fish of the sea, the birds of heaven, the cattle, all the wild animals and all the creatures that creep along the ground.'

So what is meant by "let us" and "our image" and "ourselves". Who is this "us" and "our" that God is referring to?

Thanks again for spreading the scripture.


Thanks Brother for your kind Response.
You will find the Answer to your Question below:

Genesis 1- “our image”

Its a reference to the Holy Trinity. Man is created like God’s image in the fact that we have an immortal spirit, a soul.

Read Here

I appreciate you for reading the Bible despite not being a Christian.I pray that the word of God reveals more truth to you.God Bless You.

Thank you kindly. I hope so as well!

Based on the link you put in, I seem to not be the only one with that question. Thanks for the additional information. I will take that answer into consideration. I will leave no stone un-turned in the search for truth.

Thanks again :)

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