Isaiah 55.8 For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, says the Lord.

All people in life have dreams that we hope to achieve one day; whether it's a finished career, a good job, forming a home, having a family, a company, or a business of your own; in short, dreams that we want to crystallize. When young people do not look at the obstacles or barriers that prevent us from carrying out an ideal, we strive to achieve it, even when we are already people of a certain age, we set goals and we struggle to arrive. However, what happens or how do you react when this dream or ideal is broken? When are your plans not God's? What goes through your mind and what do you feel in your heart? I do not know if you've been through this trance at any time or you're going through it at this time. As humans, we think that everything we did was useless, that it was a lost time, a bad investment, that it is best to leave everything and turn around to direct our steps on another path; the discouragement, the frustration, the anger, the crying comes to us, and even to the point of taking the life to no longer suffer this disappointment (above all if it is a loving disappointment); we enter a stage of depression, we feel or believe that all doors or possibilities are already closed, that there is no way out and that in reality nothing is worth it. The dream on which we had put all our energies, and hopes suddenly vanished as well; In our heart there is a great wound that hurts too much and does not allow us to see beyond our failure or stumbling. Many people in this situation decide to take refuge in alcohol, antidepressant pills or consult psychologists, and in the worst case visit a psychiatrist, to ask for help. Difficult situation, right?


Let me tell you something important and I would like you to analyze it carefully, with a lucid mind, with coldness. In the design that God has for your life, it is probable that what you desire is not the longing of God, or that your greatest desire is not God's desire for you. I put it this way: maybe the boy or girl you were in love with and thought was the perfect love for you, in God's design it was not; maybe the project on which you invested time, effort and even money and thought that it would be your maximum achievement, God does not consider it that way; you know why? Because maybe that little person in whom you deposited your love, in the end I was going to make you unhappy or I was going to fail you in all senses or else I was going to be a stumbling block, that instead of making you life bearable, it would be your biggest pain of head and that far from loving it you would end up hating it and regretting having known it. Maybe that project or career did not suit you because it would be your downfall, if as you read it, your downfall because perhaps it would serve to increase your ego, and that would take you out of the reality in which you live. Remember that fame causes dizziness to those who can not cope. That is why God in his infinite wisdom procures for his children the good, the perfect and the pleasant. If you meditate on the depths of these three things that God wants for us, you will see that he only wants the best for you and me. The good (that does not provoke in you any evil or pain), the perfect (the enjoyment of an ideal state), and the pleasant (that fill your soul and your heart with peace and happiness).

That's why my friend or brother wants to tell you that if a door was closed, do not worry it's because God so arranged, but have faith and patience because He will open other better ones for you; if that person was away from you, give thanks to God that He caused that separation, since he has someone special and better for you, that will really make you happy. Remember that in the way of the Lord nothing is considered lost or useless, but on the contrary, all help for good say the Holy Scriptures.

So encourage and throw it forward, that the Spirit of God gives us power, courage and self-control; trust in the Lord that He wants to make you a conquering warrior, a triumphant par excellence and above all a man or woman full of wisdom, love and peace; we know that in Jesus Christ we can do everything because He gives us the strength to continue in the daily struggle, and even when the landscape looks gloomy, we must trust that with the power of God we will be victorious.

I leave you with this reflection that someone in a moment of despair that I was going through brought to my life: You are like a sailing ship that you want to reach the shore, and the air is the Holy Spirit, who blows the candle and blows it propels him forward to reach his destination; every time he blows you get along, you understand? Avanzas does not say back, because the impulse is forward, it will never be backward; because you must understand that a winner always looks forward, while a failure will always be looking back, in what was and not in what will be. I hope that now your self-esteem is raised and asks God to give you the prudence and wisdom to make important decisions in your life.


Great message @Darlenys01. I wrap it in one word - "purpose". God wants us to be and walk in His designed purpose not our desire, and He will always ensure we find ourselves there because He loves us. Even if it means bringing us through the belly of a fish, He will. Thus, each time our dreams get shattered, we need to sincerely ask whether we were stil on purpose?

Lord, I surrender to your will. Break me and fit me to your plan - Amen.

One of the things that God delays our dreams is our attitude, I find it hard to understand that when God gives you a dream is yours, we should not do as Jose told everyone, we must be prudent when God tells us deliver something, we must protect our dreams, because the enemy is always close.

Yeah, that's true. We all need to train ourselves to grow in character to maturity so what God gives us will be secured. Wisdom is principal and cannot be found in babes. God will always guide us through His Spirit if we'll be careful to listen.

the human being always has the sense of overcoming, and proposes goals in life, and things that we want to achieve, but God has already outlined our purpose, and the goals of Christ are preferable to human goals.

God always knows what is best for us, what you are living today is not your final destination because God has great plans for us, we do not see the circumstances, the people who fail us see Christ.

We must not lose hope, God's plans are better than ours, everything helps us for the better.

When we believe that we lose our dreams we are wounded, the good news is that God gives us back the greatest dream.

God never leaves his children ashamed.

God rewards our loyalty and fidelity, when something does not go well, let us wait in Jehovah, he will not delay.

God heals every wound in our heart and leads us to reach purpose.

Beloved @ darlenys01, God is the source, the spring from which the opportune forces come to help us in order to help us to resist in the midst of our pain and to relieve ourselves. This is what you call the consolation we receive from Him, because it is impressive when we approach the throne of grace see the timely help of God in the midst of difficulties, the promise of God is that together with the test God will not provide the way out.
God's plans are better than ours

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