Biblical stories for children, part (5): Start a difficult life for Adam and Eve.

in #christian-trail6 years ago


Greetings to the whole family of the blockchain.

Continuing with the series "Biblical stories for children" we will share in Part 5: Start a difficult life for Adam and Eve. We remember that in Part 4 they lost their home because they disobeyed God. Jehovah threw them out of the Garden of Eden and from that moment they began a hard life.

Biblical support for the present story will be Genesis 3: 16-23; Genesis 4: 1-2 and Revelation 21: 3-4.

Outside the Garden of Eden, Adam and Eve had many problems.

They had to work hard to eat. Instead of beautiful fruit trees, they saw many thorns and briers grow around. This happened when Adam and Eve disobeyed God and ceased to be his friends.


Adam and Eve condemned to die.

Remember this: God told them they would die if they ate of a certain tree. Well, the same day they ate they began to die, they began to live a hard life of suffering and suffering to survive and not get to the lasting life that God promised.

What fools they were for not listening to God!


All the children of Adam and Eve were born outside of Eden.

The children of Adam and Eve were born after God cast their parents out of the Garden of Eden. This means that children would also have to grow old and die.


What would have happened if Adam and Eve had obeyed God?

If Adam and Eve had obeyed Jehovah, life would have been happy for them and their children. They could have lived forever in happiness on Earth. No one should have gotten old or sick and dead.

God wants people to live forever in happiness, and promises that one day it will be like that. Not only the whole Earth will be beautiful, but all people will be received. And everyone will be good friends with each other and with God.


But Eva was no longer a friend of God.

Therefore, it was not easy to give birth to children. I had pains Yes, in truth, to have been disobedient to Jehovah has brought much pain, do not you think?


Adam and Eve had many children.

When their first child was born, they called him Cain. The second son was called Abel.


Do you know what happened to these?

What happened to Cain and Abel will be seen in Part 6 of the series "Children's Bible Stories."

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