It’s easy to worry about this or that. But seeking the kingdom first and foremost leaves you worry free! 😁


No worries! 🤗. He’s got it all under control. Even when it doesn’t seem like it. I pray we seek Him daily for our needs. God bless.

From Tecarta Bible app.


Love your heart ♥️ for God, and His Word!! 🙌🏼 It’s a pleasure to be your wife!! 😃

The pleasure is all mine! 😁

Living this.
God bless your union.

Praise God. Indeed there is a lover of my soul. One that care for my needs. One that never fails.
Faithful, Gracious, and full of Kindness..

Yes yes and yes!

The reason so many people on earth are suffering in life and making no headway is simply because they have ignored the most important thing and chased those things that are secondary and of no eternal value.

God clearly tells us all to seek first His kingdom and every other thing will just be an addition. In God's initial plan, wealth was to come to us naturally and freely. But because we have left God's things, we tend to be suffering excessively.

All we need do in life is to identify with Christ Jesus first. Having done this, every other thing will just come by their accord. Wealth, health, love and the likes... they will come without you stressing yourself.

Do the needful

Powerful scriptural text.

Ability to think is what makes us human. But here, Christ admonished us not to misuse this innate ability into worrying or being anxious about what tomorrow holds. His word tells us to be anxious for nothing, but through thanksgiving we should make our request known to him. This is a "kingdom mindset" fixing our gaze on Him, as our sufficiency.

Thanks for sharing @coolbowser.

This is what we always think being a Filipino living in Philippines but this verses help me a lot and comforted me always. Praise the Lord. Thank You Jesus....

in this life, we do have to have goals, we as a human must always worry about our lives. But actually it is not necessary to think about it. Because if we are close to God, and do what is told by God. I am sure, whatever we do, God will make it easier, and will bring happiness to the world and the hereafter. Thanks for sharing... :)

Amen,we should always put our trust in him,worry dosent help,Philippians 4:6 Be careful for nothing; but in every thing by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God.

We must not worry about mundane things. By simply following Our Lord's teachings all our sorrows will end, for He takes care of His true followers. God Bless.

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Worry i can tell doesn't solve problems. But then it almost seem impossible not to worry. Then I wonder why God would have to admonish us to not do something that humanly speaking is impossible. Its is because when we know this is a solution to something we face and that this solution is certain, then there will not be any place for worry. Casting our cares upon him then is what we ought to do always when face with challenges. By doing so we are left with no challenge since all has being cast to him to deal with. But then we must learn to abide in his word and in fellowship with him so that our trust in him is without borders. This will help us not worry after that we have cast our cares upon him.

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