Is it just me or has Disney changed. LIVE EVIL?

in #christian-trail7 years ago (edited)


They don't even try to hide it anymore. Amazing. Right out there for our children in full view. Something definitely amiss with our culture when this is the type of thing we entertain ourselves with.



Praying for our nation. Our children.

Image credit goes to video by Jason A from a great blog post by @becausehelives. Go here to check out that post -

Evil is on the right side of wrong. Those are lyrics from song from the movie Descendants 2.

Reminds of the verse Isaiah 5:20 -

Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!

Agree or disagree? Let me know. Thanks for stopping by.


It is very disturbing, very fitting scripture from Isaiah, you are right Praying against this is our greatest weapon! Thanks for the mention God bless

I do not support Disney ever since they forced their American tech workers to train foreign replacements and then fired them. The H1-B program is blantently abusing this program because they are supposed to attest that they are bringing in foreign workers because no AMERICAN worker can or wants to do the job. That is certainly not true when you have workers that were in those jobs already - some for over twenty years!

Disney has become a greedy un-American company that bows to the alter of the almighty dollar, and sadly they are not the only ones. You know what the bible says about money: "The love of money is the root of all evil". This is most certainly true!

Thanks for sharing this. I appreciate the post.

I was shocked at what I found when I first delved beneath the surface of Disney. As you state, they are openly promoting the myth that Evil is cool. Thank you for your post. I follow Jason A as well, it's amazing what he digs up just from News clips.

Hey thanks. I appreciate you posting this!

Thank you for sharing. Disney has been off my list for a long time.

You're welcome. Thank you for your comment. They've been off my list too for awhile. I just didnt know how far down hill they've gotten.

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