Doing good unto others! The golden rule. 😁

in #christian-trail6 years ago (edited)


This verse reminds of another...Galatians 6:10

As we have therefore opportunity, let us do good unto all men, especially unto them who are of the household of faith.

And so since it is in my power...I will give 100% upvotes to the first 5 persons to leave a comment ! 😁

God bless!

From Tecarta Bible app.


Jesus did not spend a great deal of time discoursing about the trinity or original sin or the incarnation, which have preoccupied later Christians. He went around doing good and being compassionate.

I am usually one of the firsts to comment, but this time I am one of the last. No problem. I don't comment to get upvotes, but to express my love to Our Lord. God Bless.

Awesome. I’m glad to hear that and for that I’ll give you a 100% upvote! God bless you brother!

Not being disrespectful, but you gave me an invisible upvote... :=) God Bless you.

What? You don’t like the invisible upvotes? . My bad. I must of sent the comment and forgot to hit the upvote button. Thanks for keeping me honest! 😁 and I’ll give you a second upvote!

You are very kind. God Bless you.

Amen. Beautiful verse.

To do good on other , we must keep ourselves clean

Amen brother we are salt and light and it will be manifested by our actions. Good actions. Gidbless brother. Oh oh 100% upvote i guess ik late. 😀


Each one of us can do a good deed, every day and everywhere. In hospitals in desperate need of volunteers, in homes for the elderly where our parents and grandparents are longing for a smile, a listening ear, in the street, in our workplaces and especially at home.

If we live in a family and have ability to help ,we help each other . If we have more power that we can do anything, it wil not be good to do everything for ourselves we have to do good things for all men . Its a kind of test of god, He gives us opportunity and will be justified for this .So we have to do good things.

God is not unjust; he will not forget your work and the love you have shown him as you have helped his people and continue to help them.

We should continuously do good to people, by putting an effort into doing good they might see the light that is within us.

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