
To those who didn't understand the passage, heres the NIV version

41 “I do not accept glory from human beings, 42 but I know you. I know that you do not have the love of God in your hearts. 43 I have come in my Father’s name, and you do not accept me; but if someone else comes in his own name, you will accept him. 44 How can you believe since you accept glory from one another but do not seek the glory that comes from the only God

If you read from the verse 1, Jesus healed a man and the jewish leaders accused Jesus of healing on the sabath day which is a day set aside for rest. Jesus was clearly telling them that his father was always at work and him and his father are one. He told them they will not believe that he (Jesus) was sent by God the father but will easily believe a false prophet because they do not have the true love of God in their hearts.

The most liberating thing is to live it the audience of One! If we please God and absolutely nobody else, this is a win!
Jesus said, “my meat to eat is to do the will of the Father”. This should be also how we live.
We all want to hear well done, good and faithful servant. God has to be saying that about us now, if we expect to hear it then.
God bless!
Daddy William

Amen brother @coolbowser, the same today that there are many who reject the good news about the Lord. I remember when I gave a bible but he didnt accept it. Godbless you bro. HOW ARE You?

I’m great! Thanks.

Jesus is clearly indicating that real authority to represent the Supreme Being comes from God. This authority comes through a relationship of loving service to God - as clarified by Jesus here:
"I know that you do not have the love of God in your hearts."
This authority comes from pleasing the Supreme Being. Making an "effort to obtain the judgement (or opinion) that comes from the only God" means to please God. Jesus illustrated that God was the source of his own authority, and pleasing God was his central objective:
"By myself I can do nothing; I judge only as I hear, and my judgment is just, for I seek not to please myself but Him who sent me." (John 5:30)
Jesus indicates that he can see these temple officials are not thus empowered, and are not seeking to please God. They obtained their authority by pleasing others within the temple hierarchy.

How ironic it is that the very people who say they represent Jesus today have assumed the same process that Jesus condemned here in this statement. Those popes, cardinals, bishops, priests, ministers and reverends who have been politically appointed to their positions in a particular church or sect have gained their positions by pleasing those in the church hierarchy (each other, in other words). Then they collect salaries from tithings, turning what is supposed to be service to God into a business arrangement.

This has nothing to do with loving God and teaching love for God on behalf of the Supreme Being and in the Name of the Supreme Being, as Jesus did, and all the prophets did.

Furthermore, the word "believe" here is not an appropriate translation. The word πιστεύω (pisteuō) means to "have confidence in" or be "entrusted." It means to trust. Jesus is speaking of trusting in the Supreme Being: Giving one's life to the Supreme Being and taking shelter in Him. This is what Jesus had done - and the reason Jesus could represent the Supreme Being.

This also ties in with, "I have come in my Father's Name." To come in someone's name means to represent that person: But it also highlights the potency or power of that person's name.

Can't understand any thing.Will you please explain ?Thanks for the post anyway.God bless you.

I need it not; I seek it not from you for my own sake. As if he had said, Though I speak of your coming to me as necessary in order to your salvation, it is not out of an ambition of drawing multitudes after me, who may approve and applaud my teaching; for the whole of my conduct proves that I seek not the praise of men. But I say it out of a tender regard for your salvation and reformation.

I did not understand anything of this!!!

Good said and good wrote

Wow,great exhortation @coolbowser ,yes our honour is from God,we have been born into wealth and glory through faith in Christ Jesus.

Very true. I agree with you.

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