Daily conversation with God 😍 😍

in #christian-trail6 years ago

Hi brothers and sisters in Christ ,

How have you all been ? It's been seriously so long , I'm so sorry for this long wait. But now I'm back and I decided to not leave. So let's begin.

Today's chapter is ♥️

Children, obey your parents in the Lord for this is right. “ Honor your father and mother , ” which is the first commandment accompanied by a promise, namely, “ that it may go well with you and that you will live a long time on the earth . ” Fathers, do not provoke your children to anger, but raise them up in the discipline and instruction of the Lord. Finally, be strengthened in the Lord and in the strength of his power. Clothe yourselves with the full armor of God so that you may be able to stand against the schemes of the devil. For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the powers, against the world rulers of this darkness, against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavens. For this reason, take up the full armor of God so that you may be able to stand your ground on the evil day, and having done everything, to stand. Stand firm therefore, by fastening the belt of truth around your waist, by putting on the breastplate of righteousness, by fitting your feet with the preparation that comes from the good news of peace, and in all of this, by taking up the shield of faith with which you can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one. And take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God. With every prayer and petition, pray at all times in the Spirit, and to this end be alert, with all perseverance and requests for all the saints. Pray for me also, that I may be given the message when I begin to speak – that I may confidently make known the mystery of the gospel, for which I am an ambassador in chains. Pray that I may be able to speak boldly as I ought to speak.
Ephesians 6:1‭-‬4‭, ‬10‭-‬20

This chapter in the Ephesians is the best.. starting with obeying our parents..and then how parents are supposed to be with their kids..and then moving on to the most serious of it all.

Guys , we are in a battle with many things..well that's what we think at least..but the truth is that , we have only one enemy , Satan. And what we need is god , what we need is Jesus...we need his strength. We need him , in everything we put our mind into. It's not easy to win this battle...only with God's help we can.. so let's praise his mighty name today ... Tah j you Jesus for winning the battle for us...as it is written , the battle is not our but his...becaus he considers our battles as his and he defeated the enemy and claim..yeah we won..!! That's how amazing our father is...so guys let's trust him completely today...not with even a small bit of doubt.
Give yourself to him today.. and know that our armor is our Bible...is our verses..is our knowledge. So let's read our Bible daily so we know how to defeat our eneemy. Just like , when Jesus had come after fasting and the devil was trying to tempt Jesus..and try to make him his. But you remember how Jesus fought back..?

He didn't fight with strength...but with verses from the Bible..he fought with the right weapon..the most powerful of it all.

So guys remember that's our secret weapon. So always carry it in your heart.

Let's pray :

Dear heavenly king , my mighty father and everloving Jesus , Lord tah k you for everything that you have given us father, thank you Father for all your love , thank you Father for a chance at salvation and deliverance. Thank you Father for helping me to say the right things. Thank you Father for helping us in time of every need . Thank you Father for your name needs to be lifted high...high above everything.. oh Lord..today my prayer is that , we become more closer to you, and that we trust you no matter the circumstances. I pray that you give us the courage and strength oh Lord. I pray for miracles in our lives father. I pray for you , yes you , I know you are struggling right now...I pray that God sees your suffering and gives you an answer. I pray God heals you my dear friend. I pray God bless each ND every one of you guys.
All this I pray in the mighty name of Jesus Christ , Amen 🙂💝


It's only through the power of christ that we can live victoriously in this world. Without the armor of God, we all will be cheap prey to the devil. Thanks be to God for granting unto us victory in christ

Amen 🙂🙂 may God bless you my dear friend. And wow I see a baby in your dp... I pray for your family..and that God gives you what you are praying for... In the name of Jesus 🙂 . Nice to meet you dear friend.

This comment was made from https://ulogs.org

Dear Ashley, God is speaking through you here, do you recognize it? His putting these beautiful thoughts in your mind. Your words are so perfect, strong and clear. I’m so blessed you have prayed for it. He has blessed you highly, thank you God❣️

Amen amen Jesus , thank you sis 😍😍😍. I'm just letting him say the words... I'll just be his vessel.. and type.

You and Him together as one, will move mountains little sister to bring His Kindom here so profoundly, as well as crushing the enemy, can’t wait to see what happens next in your life’s journey with God. Isn’t everyday precious with the Lord Jesus Christ ❣️😇

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