For unto you is born this day in the city of David, a Saviour which is Christ the Lord. And this shall be a sign unto you. Ye shall find the babe wrapped in swaddling clothes, lying in a manger. Luke 2:11-12

A manger in a stable is not exactly what one thinks of when imagining the birth place of the Saviour of the world. Maybe a palace or at least a regular room but not one for animals. Those would probably have been also the thoughts of the sherpherds when searching for baby Jesus if the angel did not emphasize in verse 11 that that shall be the very sign they are searching for. They probably would have overlooked baby Jesus.
In life, there are times when we hear prophecies of how great out future is going to be or God gives us a vision that seems larger than life or we simply read the scripture and encounter the glorious truth of what we are called to be. In such times we normally examine ourselves and find that our lives don't match up. You were told you would be a multimillionaire but currently you don't have a pesewa in your pocket. You are supposed to become a great man of God yet you can't pray for an hour. Just like baby Jesus your life seems too immature and unworthy to fulfill such prophecy. In such times don't discourage or disqualify yourself. Let those circumstances rather be a sign to remind you that God still plans to do great and marvelous things with your life. If he did it with Jesus then he can do it with you.

When you are discouraged and doubtful of God's plan for you remember the story of Jesus and turn your situation into a sign; a source of encouragement.


When you are discouraged and doubtful of God's plan for you remember the story of Jesus and turn your situation into a sign; a source of encouragement.
Very true message there mostly we do believe in Jesus and his words but we often forget the assurance ..thanks

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